Fall Festival

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I was currently standing in front of the festival grounds with miss wheems. "Listen Y/n, I have imoptant things to do that don't involve being here so I have trusted Wednesday to keep an eye on you. I need you to please behave here and not hurt anyone got that." "fine" Now that I know Wednesday will be keeping an eye on me there is no chance i'll be able to leave this shit whole.

Miss wheems leaves me and I enter the festival. I wasn't even there for 5 minutes and Wednesday already aproched me. Does this guy know what im planning or something damnit. "Your planning something. I can tell." Shit why was I right. "New it. Just give up your not going to be able to get away as easly as you think you can." His voice was cold and sharp sending chills down my spine.

I scoff and roll my eyes "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say." I shove myself past him and just walk around. It was daytime, the sun was out. I aint stupid. I wouldn't try and run in brod daylight. I was sitting at a table before I saw some random kid that goes to our school. Rowan I think his name was.

I sit up and walk over to him since he was alone and I was bored. "Hey" I simply say. He seemed to jump and then run away from me, but he droped a paper. I picked it up and was about to give it back but then I saw a picture and writing on the paper. I look at it and see that theres a girl in the picure.

The girl looked verry similar to me. She had her wings out like she was flying and there was fire around her. It also looked as if her eyes where glowing. I quickly put the paper in my pocket before Wednesday would walk over and try to take it. I walked around just looking around since I knew I couldn't try and escape.

I found a building but it was closed so I couldn't go inside, even if I wanted to. I just walked over to where I was sitting previously and sat down. Wednesday sat next to me and I looked over at him. "Why would you care if I escaped?" He looked down at me. "1, I don't feel like getting in truble. And 2, is on a need to know basis." "Oh so your not gonna tell me the second one?" "nope" I sigh and put my head down in attempts of falling asleep.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I look at Wednesday. "What?" I said kinda angry cause I wanted to sleep. "I asked Enid to grab your violin since I knew this would happen. So I was wondering if you would want to play it for me. It doesn't have to be here, I can take you somewhere else." I look at his hand seeing that he is holding my violin case.

I shrug since it would probly be better than sitting here all day. "sure, I don't care." he has heard it before so im not that nervus around him when playing. Wednesday led me into the forest without anyone noticing and we came across a building that looked abandoned. "Alrighty then, what should I play oh lord of darkness" I say kinda in a teasing manner.

Wednesday just glared at me while my face was still emotionless as ever. He suggested I play one of hi favorite songs that he plays on his cello. He gave me the notes witch I was kinda confused by on how the fuck he brought them here unnoticed but took them none the less.

I read the notes and played the song flawlessly as he turned the pages when he knew I needed them to be. After the song he had a small smile that would be unnoticeable from afar. I smiled two. Only a small one though. I put my violin back and we left to go back to the fetival becaue by now its about time to head back to nevermore.

I then came to realise that the entire time we were out here. The whole time I was playing his song. This bitch was just distracting me from finishing my fucking plan! "You bitch." Wednesday knew that I had figured it out only just now and let out a small laugh as we approached the grounds once more.

We walked in unnoticed once again and just waited until it was time to leave. About 5 minutes after we got there it was time to go and Wednesday grabed my hand. We got to nevermore and we went our separate ways. I entered my dorm and on my bed there was 3 more roses. I was jut about to through theses god damn roses off the damn balcony.

I picked their letters up, but they all read the same line

I love you~

I put the letters down and the roses away. I layed on my bed thinking about the time I had with Wednesday. I look over at my violin and smile. A genuine smile. One not fake, but one made from real happiness and joy. Something I have never felt since before my mother.

I sit up and walk over to my violin. I trace her name that I had carved in there when I was 9. A single tear fell from my eye and onto her name. "I miss you mother" I say as I lay back down on my bed and come to a realization. Ever since I met Wednesday, I have felt an emotion with him. Not of happiness or anger, but something different.

I felt actual love

Wednesday (Male Wednesday x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now