Artists Meet

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The school day was boring as always. I was currently drawing in my sketch book, just making random animals and sketching the café from the town. I was also eating lunch since right now was our lunch break. I was so focused in my art that I didn't notice someone sit across from me and watch me draw.

Well, I didn't notice until they said something. "Your good" I quickly look up from my book and at the boy sitting in front of me. "O-oh t-thanks" I get nevous when people complament my art. It makes me feel weird inside and I don't know how to respond. Even if I was nervous my face still held no emotion. "I saw you when you were fencing with Wednesday, no one has ever landed a hit on him since he showed up. No one exept you that is." I give him a small smile.

"So you do have emotions?" I laugh a little but that goes unnoticed by him "yeah, I just don't like them that much so I avoid people" We continued talking for a while and he mentioned how he was also an artist. The bell rang signaling lunch was over and before I could walk to my next class he stoped me. "my names Xavier" "y/n" I said turning back around to walk away.

Classes took forever and the worst part about them was that they all were with Wednesday being that he was soposed to keep an eye on me. I knew this was my fathers fault. Or at least most of it was. At the end of the day I decided to just stay in my dorm since I didn't really want to hang out with anyone anymore.

Enid was in the room, but she was busy working on her blog. I didn't really read it so I had no clue whats even on it. I was drawing in my sketch book when I had a Intense sharp pain run through me. My back and head started hurting like crazy and I screamed catching the attention of Enid who imeadiatly ran over to me.

She started panicking "Y/N! Omg are you ok." "Does it look Like im ok to you?!" I look up to her with tears flowing out my eyes. Enid freaked out even more being that they had never seen me cry before. "I'll be right back! I-im going to get someone to help you!" She then ran out of the room, leaving me on the floor in excruciating agony.

Enid pov-

Y/n was in pain and I didn't know what to do. I ran next door to Wednesday so he could help me. I quickly knocked on the door. "WEDNESDAY, Y/N IS IN PAIN I NEED HELP!" I scream as im on the verge of balling my eyes out. The door quickly opens the door and we run back to my dorm to get y/n to a hospital.

Y/n's pov-

I hear the door open again and feel myself get picked up. I look up at who was carrying me and see Wednesday. He didn't bother to look at me but him and Enid were running into town to get me to a doctor. I blacked out midway though due to all the pain. The only thing I could think about was if I was going to die.

I only saw black and it felt like I was just floating in an empty sea of darkness. Everything was cold and I didn't feel anything. No pain. Only peace. I wanted to sleep there. I was... happy, with this place. I begin to wonder, is this really the end for me? Did I have a heart attack? Im tiered...

I fall asleep in the nothingness that surrounded me, but when I awoke I was no longer there. Of course I wouldn't die like this. The universe refuses to let me be in peace. I wake up to an empty room while I was in a bed and a monitor was beside me. Once I fully re-adjusted myself to the new area, I sit up in the bed.

I analyzed the room for a good 10 minutes before 3 roses cought my attention. Each layed on the table next to the bed. Each a different color. Each from different unnamed people. One was black, another white and the last one a deep red. I was looking at them when the door opened and I turned my head to the it.

I saw a woman walking in with full white clothes and a mask. I assumed she was a nurse of some kind being that the last thing I remember was being taken to a hospital. The nurse looks over to me and sees that im awake. "Great, your finally awake! People have been verry worried about you as you can see from the roses next to you." She then pulls down her mask to show her smug smile.

"I am unable to tell you who they were, but I can tell you that you've gotten the attention of 3 verry handsome young boys." I only stare at her with a blank expression. "H-how long was I out?" "Only 2 weeks. Your principle said that you didn't miss anything important so your all good when it comes to school." I nod and look down. I sit at the edge of the bed "can you tell me what happened?"

The nurse nodded at me. "You went through a uhh, how do I put it... transformation per say. Your father had this happen to him as well only he was out for 3 days. I'm to guess your demon side made it longer." I look at her confused and walk over to a mirror.

When I looked in the mirror I was shocked. I had two small-ish grey red horns on my head. I had a red tail with what looked to be black spot like freckles in the end along with a pair of medium sized white wings that faded into black towards the bottom. I couldn't believe I didn't feel them before.

I took a closter look at my eyes to see that they changed from e/c to black with white slit pupils. I was confeused by the sudden transformation but at the same time was intrigued. I was breath taking.

Soon miss wheems tells me its time to leave and I grab the roses from the table. I sat in the front seat as we drove back while inspecting the roses and their beauty. We got back to nevermore and we parted our ways. I bumped into Wednesday on the way back to my dorms and for the first time ever, he had an actual color on his face other than black and white.

Wednesday (Male Wednesday x Fem reader)Where stories live. Discover now