Roses and Notes

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Me and Wednesday look at each other for a moment. I decided to break the silence "Thank you, for taking me to the doctors... I appreciate it" I look to the floor while my face starts to have a sudden warmth to it. "No problem." He said as he quickly walked away and I did the same heading to my dorm.

I got to my dorm and Enid ran to me as soon as I steped foot inside. "I thought you were going to die! But instaid you turned into a cool beautiful hybrid!" I steped back slightly confused and just nodded with a blank face since, I didn't know what else to do.


I was standing on the edge of the balcony. My wings apart. Before I knew it, I jumped. I fell and I flapped my wings. I was pushed into the air and was soon flying around nevermore. I smiled. I smiled a genuine smile for the first time since my mom was alive. After getting the hang of it, I landed back on the balcony with ease.

Little did I know that a cirtant boy with black hair was staring in amazement...

I went back inside my room and found another black rose with a note attatched to it. I picked up the note. It was a light gray with black cursive writing on it. I read the note.

Dear Angel

You are an amazing flyer even if its your first time. The way your body glides through the air carried by you wings is beautiful. I hope you know that you are perfect.

Sincerely- Your dark love~

I hadn't the slightest idea who could've wrote the note and given me the flower. I could feel my face warm once again though. I had a feeling of uncomfort around my stomach. I began to wonder if I was sick but shrugged it off as nothing.

I got 3 different vases and put each color rose in a different vase. I then put the note on my dresser and layed down to get some sleep. I was tiered and was only taking a quick nap. I woke up to Enid shaking me holding the love note in her other hand.

I groan and sit up in my bad as she looks at me with a mad expression. "What do you want Enid?" "What do I want! I want to know everything about why you have roses and a love letter all of a sudden?" I stare at her and sigh knowing that there was no way out of this.

I then tell her about how I found the three roses of different colors when I woke up in the hospital. The told her about how I finished a practice in flying and found the second black rose and a love note attached to it. Enid then squealed in joy making my stare at her in fear of what the next action she is going to make is.

Before I could prosses everything. I was being dragged by Enid to the town. She took me to a taylors so we could get dresses for the weird dance thing nevermore does every year. I look into the window to see many different dresses. "Hey uhm... im not going to the dance unless someone askes and I feel like it. Witch I don't plan on doing." She looks at me with a sad expression.

I walk away to the café to get something to eat and drink since I was bored and had to wait for Enid. I walk into the almost empty café and go up to the counter. I lean on it with my elbows and ring the bell. I hear a faint coming and tyler ruches to the counter.

He sees its me and tilts his head. "You look... different from when I last saw you." I sigh and roll my eyes. "Yeah, had this whole multiple week coma thing because of it." he nods. "So, im guessing Wednesday caught you?" I glare at him.

"Listen here coffee boy, i rather not remember that moment." i then begin to remember it and the annoying feeling came back. "Coffee boy?" he askes with a laugh. I scoff and order my food. Once done i wait for it at a booth while Enid shops. I told her i'd be here so she can just come here after shoping.

I got my food and ate it. Enid came in at the perfect time as i finished it and was throwing it away. We began to walk back to nevermore when i thought of something. I turn to Enid who was carrying bags and asked "Wanna ride?" She looked at me confused and so i pointed to my wings.

Enid immediately nods and I take the bags as she climbs onto my back. She was surprisingly light so i didn't have that much weight on me. I make sure she's stable and push off the ground, taking off into the sky with my wings.

Enid was having the best time of her life while i flew around. We soon laded on our balcony and went inside. While Enid was putting her things she bought away i noticed something on my desk.

This time it was a red rose with a simple white card and red writing on it, along with the card covered in small roses drawn with a pencil. I look at the note

Dear y/n

I understand you don't know who i am, but i must say that you are breath taking. i was worried you were hurt when i herd you were in the hospital. But seeing you fly around and smile, only makes my love and adoration for you grow.

Love, X

"Who's X?" i mutter under my breath while inspecting the rose.

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