even while drunk

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It's been a few hours since we started the drinking games. They did not end well. Nat was right, they do get more talkative with alcohol. Maybe too talkative. Stark, Banner, Steve, and Thor decided to have a relaxing game of beer pong to end the night off; it's not turning out to be so relaxing.

Stark and Banner being on a team are yelling at one another about who's to blame for them currently losing, while Steve is screaming an accusation of cheating at Stark. Thor, well he's still trying to understand the rules.

Nat and Clint seem to be enjoying this a little bit too much. They're laughing their asses off sitting on the couch. Every now and then one will point at the fight and they laugh impossibly harder.

Wanda was not enjoying this yelling the same and left for her room about ten minutes ago. I thought about asking to join, but the screaming match was just too funny to leave. It doesn't help that all four of them are completely wasted. Almost everyone is at this point.

I spot Kate out of the corner of my eye, standing from the couch to head to the kitchen. This is my chance. Maybe if I catch her while drunk she'll be more willing to give me a chance. I begin following her to the kitchen, preparing what I'm going to say on the way. As I walk in she is already busy fixing another drink for herself. Though the sound of yelling isn't completely drowned out, it is much softer In the kitchen.

"Hey" She turns quickly and the sight of my face makes hers turn sour.

"You need something?" She says, her tone matching her face.

"I was just coming to say hi again."

"Oh ok, hi."

"You joined the team somewhat recently right?" I asked hoping Nat was right about the 'bonding'.

"Uh yeah... how did you know?" She said almost accusing me.

"Nat mentioned it earlier. She didn't say exactly when though." I respond awkwardly.

She took a moment before speaking, I swear I could see literal gears turning in her head. "It was maybe two months or so after Christmas." Her tone was slowly getting softer. Oh the wonders of alcohol.

"So what would that be... around five or so months ago?"

"Something like that, I don't know." Just as I was getting more confident the sour tone returned. She then spun around, once again facing the counter.

"Nat also mentioned Clint was the one to bring you in. What's the story there?" I asked trying to keep the conversation going hoping to bring back the softer tone.

Again those gears were turning. "It's too long to tell." She slightly snapped back while picking up her finished drink and turning to leave. I couldn't think of anything to say to stop her from leaving. So she left.

Even while drunk, she still hates me.

a/n ~~ sorry for the short chapter, I felt like it just worked better for dramatic effect. Please vote if you're enjoying the story so far!!

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