back to routine

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Miraculously I made it through the day without having to interact with Kate. I was stuck in meetings all day, but hell it's far better than Ms. Bishop over there.

"Dinner is ready, Ms. Kraft." Boomed from somewhere in my bedroom.

"Who is that?" I say whipping my head around trying to locate where the sound is coming from.

"Hello, I'm Friday." The robotic voice replied.

"Where are you?"

"Well I'm everywhere. The tower, your suit, other's suits, and more."

"Oh. So are you real?" I asked my head still swiveling attempting to locate the sound.

"I'm an artificial intelligence created by Tony Stark to help the Avengers and more."

"That's... cool I guess. Hold on are there cameras in here? Can you see me?"

"No, Ms. Kraft there are no cameras in bedrooms, only in common areas and hallways."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Oh good, good." I may or may not have been posing in my new suit in front of the mirror 20 minutes ago. "Well uh, thanks Friday." I say clearing my voice.

I sit up from bed setting my book down, exchanging it for the new phone Stark gave me. I don't like him much but he has been good to me since I arrived. Wanda added me to their team groupchat. Steve doesn't really understand texting as well, but I'll give him a pass on that, his brain may still be thawing. Barton on the other hand I do not give a pass to. The man signs off on his texts as if they're emails; 'Regards, Clint'. 

As I exit my room I find Kate doing the same from across the hall. Of course our rooms are across from each other. We both freeze, unsure of how to proceed. After what feels like an eternity she gives the slightest nod of her head and begins walking down the hall. Fast. It's a little odd, but I won't complain. Being only four feet away from Bishop wasn't my favorite activity. 

After giving it a second I followed the sound of her footsteps through the common area and to the kitchen. At one of the tables sitting in a group is Banner, Steve, Clint, and Nat. Looking further into the room I see Wanda and Kate talking quietly. Wanda wearing a dirtied apron while putting dishes away, looks annoyed at Kate. Kate is whisper screaming back at her, in what looks to be an attempt to defend herself. She's probably talking about me... no, no not everything is about you Emmelyn. Diverting my focus I head towards Nat and the others. 

Steve spots me and begins to speak. "Emmelyn! Hey come-"

"Well you can't just hate her forever." Wanda said just loud enough for me to hear. I glance over and can see Bishop trying to murder her eyes. Guess everything is about me. 

Looking back towards the group they all share and an awkward glance and Steve breaks the tension with a smile. "Come sit and eat, Wanda's a great cook."

"Oh, I know. I was already treated to it this morning." I respond taking the only open seat between Clint and Nat.

"Heard Tony had you in meetings all day?" Natasha asks.

"Yup. 14 meetings to be exact." I say overenunciating the 'p'.

"Jesus Christ kid. How'd you make it?" Clint said laughing. 

Just as I try to respond I'm cutoff by a voice I heard far too much of today.

"Had to come check on my people." Stark says to the group. Then focusing in on me saying "You need anything kid? And I mean anything"

This man. He's really given me too much already. I don't deserve half of it. Once again he's making it harder to dislike him. I couldn't use anything really. Although I haven't been able to play guitar in a month or so. "Um... maybe a guitar?"

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