did she ask about me?

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Kate's POV

I'm laying on the floor. Why am I laying on the floor? I look to my right and see Clint and Natasha passed out on the couch. Oh.

Yeah we may have had a little too much to drink last night. Not my fault Tony's bar refills itself. As I stand up my head begins to throb and all of my muscles ache. I'm not sure why I was expecting to not be hungover. I walk like a zombie over to the kitchen to check for anything edible.

I stumble into the kitchen and see a bag of bagels sitting on the counter. I snatch it as if I haven't eaten in days and throw one in the toaster as quickly as possible. I also manage to find butter.

After a few minutes of starring off into nothingness, the ding of the toaster brings me back to reality. Grabbing my bagel, I sloppily spread the butter on it and take a seat. All I have the energy to do is chew.

Parts of last night start coming back to me. Tony making everyone play games, the traumatizing game of twister, the screaming match over beer pong, Clint and Nat losing their shit, and... Emmelyn.

She asked too many questions. Although why did Nat tell her so much about me? Holy shit, did she ask about me?

Kate what the hell. No. You think she's annoying. Right?

I mean of course I do. So many things about her I don't like. For example her... well I don't know off the top of my head, but I know I do not like her one bit. I don't even like her caramel eyes or the way her hair has that pretty wave to it. No I didn't mean pretty. I meant wave. Just wave.

a/n ~~ I probably won't be doing many Kate POVs and if I do they'll be shorter like this

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