"Giyuu, this is surprisingly good! You should-" Rengoku was cut off by the bell ringing, and sighed. "Well, thanks a lot, terribly timed bell!"
I sighed and grabbed my bag, taking my book from the others as I walked out to my first period class. Sanemi caught up to me fairly quickly, and we walked together towards the music classrooms. The rest of the band, excluding Mitsuri, didn't do this class, since it was more vocal. But I don't think us three really mind. It's a nice class, fairly small.
I sighed and reach into my pockets, grabbing fingerless, black gloves that covered my arms. I was surprised no one in the band room had questioned me, seeing as my arms were covered in bandages. My thighs and chest were too, but I also wore a binder over my chest. "Oi, Giyuu."
"Huh?" I snapped out of my thoughts as Sanemi called my name.
"What was that about earlier? Like, the phone thing? You were practically crying when you came back in."
I opened my mouth to speak, but closed it. I readjusted the mask on my face. "It was.. nothing. Happy tears, I guess." I muttered. I didn't want to lie to Sanemi, but I didn't want to tell him the truth either.He shrugged it off and we walked into the classroom, Mitsuri entering a few seconds later. It looked as if she had been running, but she smiled at me and Sanemi as we sat down. I grabbed another lyric book out, but whereas my other one contained more general songs for the band, this one contained songs based on my experiences, for me to perform by myself. It had a black leather cover which was covered in fabric patches. These patches included a trans flag, a homosexual flag and a cat. I stretched, then looked around the classroom. Almost all of the students were here now, and it was getting loud. I could tell someone was looking at me, but I soon locked eyes with Sanemi.
I looked away quickly, blush spreading across my face. I was thankful for my long bangs and my mask to cover how red I was. I went to open the book, but got cut off as the teacher walked in and began the lesson. Putting the book away, I began to listen very carefully. Every few minutes though, I'd begin to drift off into sleep, so I had to force myself to stay awake.
It was now the end of the school day, and I went back into the band room to grab something I had left in there at the beginning of the day, seeing as I was too busy for the rest of the day, I had to get it now. I was the only one in the room, and I didn't expect anyone else to come in, so I took my mask off, resting it on my chin. I also untied my hair, and my hair rested on my shoulders. It had a streak of pink in it, because it reminded me of Sabito. Sabito had died in a car crash, but I kept moving on, purely because of Tsutako. She lived in another country, but she was still there for me.
I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and went to find the object I needed. I had been searching for a while, but I had finally found it. As I turned around, Sanemi walked in the room and I panicked. I had taken my mask off my face and left it on the table with my bag earlier, so I turned around and quickly grabbed it, failing to put it on the first time. "Giyuu?"
"Huh- yeah?" I said, in a panicked and rushed voice.
"I- nevermind. I was just gonna lock the bandroom-"
"Oh! Sorry then, I'll leave."
"Are you sure-"
"Yeah. I only came in for something." I replied quickly, accidentally cutting Sanemi off. Twice.I rushed out the room, then made my way towards the bus stop. I waited patiently whilst listening to my music. "Tomioka!! Hi!" Haru called from the bus. I put my phone in my pocket and walked on the bus, giving Haru my bus money. I stood at the pole that was near the door, sighing. I was exhausted, and couldn't be bothered to talk. After a while, the bus came to a stop and I looked up. "This is your stop, Tomioka! Goodbye!!" He smiled, waving goodbye as i walked off. I looked across the road towards my house, then quickly ran over the road to it. Opening the door, I realised how loud it was inside. Tanjiro and Nezuko had friends around, and Urokodaki was stood in the kitchen, drinking a cup of tea.
"Hey dad."
"Hello, good day at school?"
I nodded, smiling. I took my mask off and placed my stuff down, walking into the kitchen and making a coffee. "So, Tanjiro having a sleepover or something?"
"Yep. They're gonna be in one of the soundproof rooms though. So, don't worry."
I nodded, sighing. "Not that it would matter anyway, I can barely sleep."
I fidgeted with my fingers, before grabbing my medical records from a folder above the microwave. I sighed, looking over the diagnosis for the millionth time. Fatal Familial Insomnia. - FFII looked further down, and my eyes landed on one sentence. People who have FFI die from 6 months - 18 months in most cases. They can last up to 36 months. I put the papers away, before resting my head on the counter. "I hate this. Why me?" I muttered, then Urokodaki hugged me softly.
"Don't worry. We'll all care for you until its your time." He said reluctantly, whispering the last words.
970 words <3

The Band // Giyuu Angst
Fanfiction"You just have to deal with the cards you're given." The ravenette shook his head, a bitter smile on his face. "Yeah, and I got dealt a pretty shitty hand this time." "..maybe next time, it'll be better." He mumbled, tears in his eyes. AU: This is...