Chapter 1 - The 7th

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I stood on the bus, waiting patiently for my stop. I yawned, looking outside the window. I'm way too early. I could probably go to the cafe outside of school and get a coffee before I head to the band room. I checked my pocket to make sure I had my wallet, and when I felt it I let out a sigh of relief. I had woken up too early, and now I was falling asleep. Whilst stood up. On a bus.

I quickly readjusted the black mask on my face, that covered my mouth and nose. I didn't need it, but I preferred not to show my face.

I felt the bus come to a stop, and the driver snapped me out of my daydream. "Tomioka! You're stop is here!"
"Ah, thank you, Haru."
"No worries, Tomioka! Have fun at school!"
I nodded at Haru and made my way off of the bus, heading towards the cafe. I removed my headphones and left them resting on my neck as I headed towards the counter. It was a calm morning, so there weren't much customers. I was greeted by a familiar face. "Giyuu! Good morning!"
"Good morning, Aoi." Aoi didn't have school on Mondays, so she worked a morning shift at the cafe. She usually worked from after school hours, until the cafe closes for the night.
"You're here early, anything happening today?" Aoi asked me, before looking at me. "The normal?"

I nodded. She got to work making my hazelnut latte, and I sighed, then replied to her previous question. "Not really doing anything. I guess I do have band practice though, but, I have band practice almost everyday. But no, I'm just way too early." I said, yawning.
"Have you slept, Giyuu?" She asked, concerned.
"Hm? Why?"
"You just seem more tired than usual."
I clicked my tongue, then nodded. "Mhm. Haven't slept. I was busy." Aoi nodded at this, then handed me my coffee. She also handed me a pistachio croissant. "Don't tell anyone I gave you this! It's on me." She whispered, smiling. I chuckled lightly, then gave her the money for the latte. "Have fun at school, Giyuu!" She called as I left the cafe. I waved goodbye as I left, then headed towards school. Great. Another loud day in the music department. I thought to myself, acting as if it wasn't usually loud.

I made my way to the band room, taking the keys out of my pocket and unlocking the door. I was the first one there, and I turned the lights and heating on, sighing. Whilst setting up, I came to the realisation that it was the 7th of February. Meaning, there was one day until my birthday. I wonder if Urokodaki got me anything.. Probably not. I tapped my fingers on the desk I sat at, then decided to eat the croissant Aoi had given me. Whilst I ate it, I was scrolling through social media, looking for inspiration for a new song.

Apparently, I had spaced out. Huh? I swear it was just 7:30, how is it 7:45 already? I snapped out of my thoughts as the door opened, and an excited vibrant-colour haired girl walked in. She wore an oversized white shirt that had 'Love' in Japanese written on it in a pastel pink. She also has a pastel pink skirt, white trainers and pink and white striped knee socks. "Giyuu! Hello!"
"Good morning, Mitsuri."

Mitsuri was the bands main female vocals. I was the main singer, and Sanemi always sang with me. I guess Sanemi and I were the main singers of the band, and Mitsuri usually had her own parts too. But she also played the rhythm guitar or electric guitar. The band was lucky for someone as kind and talented as her. Mitsuri also usually wrote the songs we performed, so she looked over at the notepad I had been writing in. "Oh! Are you working on a song?" I nodded, stretching.

We had been talking for a while now, and I had finished my coffee. A while ago, actually, but still. I grabbed it and gently tossed it at the bin which was beside the door.

Oh. Shit.

As I threw the cup, the door opened, and Sanemi came walking in. It hit him in the head, and Mitsuri burst out laughing. I panicked slightly, then spoke up. "S-sorry Sanemi-" Sanemi shrugged it off and threw it back at me, then shut the door. "Aim better this time, emo."

Sanemi wore beige cargo pants and an oversized dark grey shirt. He also wore a dark green hoodie that he had wrapped around his waist, despite it being winter.

I rolled my eyes and chucked the cup against and it landed in the bin. "What were you saying, bitch?" I challenged. The three of us talked about the song I had been writing, and then the rest of the band members came in.

Iguro arrived first out of them all. Iguro was the band's bass guitar player. He was a germaphobe, and also wore a mask, like me, but not for the same reason. He was wearing dark blue ripped jeans, a light grey jumper with a white snake on and white and black striped sleeves and a white collar.

Rengoku and Uzui both came in after. Uzui played the drums, and Rengoku played the lead guitar. Uzui wore a plain white hoodie and ripped jeans, whereas Rengoku wore a black hoodie with a flame pattern on it and flared trousers. Uzui was messing with Rengoku's hair when they were chilling in the band room, and he was trying to put his hair up in a ponytail, but Rengoku kept moving around, making it near impossible for Uzui to work.

Shinobu came in with Gyomei later on. Gyomei was the tech guy, he also worked with the soundboard. Shinobu played the keyboard and piano.

Shinobu wore a light purple cropped shirt with white fishnets underneath, covering her stomach. She wore a magenta jacket over this and dark purple cargos. Gyomei on the other hand, wore a black turtle neck, a beige jacket and black jeans. He also wore a necklace with a cross on it.

I looked at the other band members and sighed. They all had so much style, whereas I sat in a spinny chair, mindlessly turning around as I tried to think of lyrics. I wore a white shirt with a patterned stripe along the middle. (It's sabitos pattern) I had a belt with the same pattern, grey cargo pants, black boots, and a red, short-sleeved jacket. I groaned, realising how dizzy I had gotten.

"Giyuu? You good bud?" Rengoku asked, smiling. I looked at him confused. "You've been spinning for the past 5 minutes, and now you just randomly groaned." I clicked my tongue, realising why the other members were looking at me.
"I just spaced out. No big deal." I shrugged, grabbing my phone as I got a notification. I paused, reading it over a few times, then gasped audibly. I almost dropped my phone, realising what Urokodaki had texted me. I stood up quickly running out the room and calling him.

"Urokodaki! I mean- dad-! You got it? I mean- it arrived?"
"Yes Giyuu, it did."
"Fuck- i- oh my god." I said, holding back happy tears.
"Giyuu, don't cry."
"Sorry- im-"
"You're happy, I know. I am too- but god, don't cry. You've got band practice."
"Oh- shit. Yeah."
"Have fun, Giyuu. Bye!"
"Bye, dad!"

I hung up the phone and wiped my eyes, taking a second to calm myself down. I ran back into the band room, and landed in the chair I was spinning in before. I stared at the text that Urokodaki had sent me.

The testosterone arrived, Giyuu!
Read, at 8:02am.

"So.. Giyuu." I lifted my head up at my name, realising the others were staring at me. "What was that all about?" I bit my lip underneath the mask, and thought about telling the others. I shrugged it off. "Nothing."
"Didn't seem like nothing. You gasped and then bolted out the room." Sanemi added onto Uzui's original comment.

"Kyaa! Nevermind that, have you guys seen the song Giyuu's wrote!!"
"Ah.. uh.. how about not showing them that.. and nevermind you already are." I said as Mitsuri showed everyone the lyrics. I sighed, groaning.

Hey guys, hope you like this new story!! I'm like.. in love with this lmao. ALSO I SENT SOMEONE 2 SCREENSHOTS OF THIS AND THEY ASKED IF I WAS AN AUTHOR.. WHAT??!?!?!?!!!! IM NOT THAT GOOD AT WRITING, RIGHT?

1450 words <3

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