꒱.✧ 運命 ;; eyes of heaven

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Miyazawa Kenji was singing when he entered the office. He greeted everyone who turned his way. The boy has his smile radiating across the entire room. Though not everyone can return his attitude back to him, he still appreciates his co-workers' existence.

"Ah! Kenji-kun!" The golden boy heard a voice. He saw his co-worker, grinning at him, waving his hand in his seat. "Sit down, sit down! I found the man who perfectly fits your request!"

"Wow! As expected of Ranpo-san!" Kenji raised his arms up, feeling the joyous emotions welling up to his heart. He quickly went over to the detective and sat in front of his desk. "I didn't expect you to find him quickly!"

"But of course! Who do you think I am?" Edogawa Ranpo holds his pride on his smile before he hands over a dossier to the young teen. There, proud nature turned into silence as he watched the boy stare at the newly found information.

The detective knew how little Kenji could read, still he sits there waiting. The boy was working hard to gain progress in terms of literacy. Naomi has been teaching him these past few days. She wouldn't say he was a fast learner but the young lady often cheered him on always.

Kenji sighed in defeat. "No matter how long I stare at these words, nothing really gets processed in my head." He laughed with his eyes closed. "What matters is that he turns out to be a good man after all, isn't that right. Ranpo-san?"

Ranpo wasn't sure how to react with Kenji's expression. But he knew the boy was washed with absolute relief when he found out that [Last Name] [Father's Name] didn't actually abandon his family.

It was in broad daylight, when he was killed at the train station, attempting to break up a fight between delinquents. All of his hopes and dreams vanished, with only his prayers to toss in the wind, hoping it would reach his wife and newborn child. And since no one knew him in the city, and with Ihatovo's disconnectedness, the police were unable to reach out to his families. They properly gave him a burial before going on with their lives.

"Was this enough to satisfy them?" Ranpo questioned. He was rather curious about it. He didn't take easy cases but this one seems special to Kenji so he accepted. The detective thinks it was to boost his ego when in truth it was simply just because he wanted to fulfill the boy's wishes. In a way, he also fulfilled your curiosity.

Kenji nodded at Ranpo's question. The boy proudly flashed a smile at him, maintaining his composure. "Yes, thank you so much, Ranpo-san!"

"You should be careful about handling that file when you go take a break in your hometown. My help was never free! But since I am a genius, I figured that I just have to show you my ability. You must share all your sweets with me!"

The day ended with peace and content in Kenji's heart. It was his long day off. He departed on Friday, made his way through Ihatovo and arrived in the afternoon. Just like he often does in the city, he greeted everyone on his arrival. From the eldest people down to the youngest. Kenji even held hands with a newborn baby.

The sun was preparing its way to rest. Kenji went up to the mountain forest. Everything around him reminds him of you. You were his dear friend. The sun who would conquer the skies and nurture all their village's fields. But he suppose you view yourself more as a moon. The one who stands in the night during the dark. Still, his mind painted you as his kind; the sun whose crown remained golden still on their head.

Some nights, his memory of him digging your body after the storm haunts him. But he could never wipe off his stupid smile from his face. You forbid him to do so. Kenji finally spotted your grave. It was the one the villagers have placed to honor your bravery. Your mother personally decorated the flower around the stone too.

"I finally found your father, [First Name]." Kenji talks as he sits on the bare ground beside you. "He was a good man after all. I hope you won't throw him off the cliff up there in heaven."

He laughs at his own words, remembering the night you were still alive. He placed down the paper folder containing your father's murder case. Kenji pulled out a match, lighting one stick, he dropped it directly to the files. For a moment his smile wears down into a frown. Eventually, a tear flowed down his left cheek.


Have you ever heard the story of how his majesty, the imperial sun, loses its ability to cry? It is said it was because the moon forbade them to do so. The people need light so his majesty must not cry, for it only brings darkness and heavy flood down the earth. It is not fitting for a King to frown upon their people. As a leader, he shall stand above and lift their face smiling and never falter.

Some time after, his royal confidant lost their life during a rescue of his people. The people told his majesty how his friend had gone up to the heavens and that they would watch over them. This made his majesty even more sad but he did not dare to cry. He must not.

But night after night, the imperial sun stares at their seat beside his throne. He pretends that his confidant was still seated there. He often talks about how he managed to reach out to new places beyond their empire and that the people over there used complex systems such as gold.

Some servants say that his majesty even sings faithfully to their confidant's empty chair. And only when the light rises above the sky did he stop to do his chores. It was a tiring routine but for someone who is scared that they would lose their memory of them, it was the only thing he could ever do.

Miyazawa Kenji always wants to remember you. Will he remember that you existed, and that you stood next to him like this? He is still a child after all. One that still makes foolish dreams just as you did before.

The night reigns over and Kenji must return down to the village. He makes sure that the fire devours the file completely. After checking, he stood up from the ground and prepared for his leave, he took a glance at you, before turning his back.

"Good night, [First Name]."

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃、𝗆𝗂𝗒𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗂Where stories live. Discover now