꒱.✧ 感激 ;; always smiling

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Life in the city was different. The trees told you about how people beyond the forest would have the most boring routine. All in for the sake of fame and money do they sell their soul. You could not understand your friends and neither do they understand you. How could you longed for happiness in such a lifeless place?

"I don't want to stay here forever." You had whispered to a Pine tree. The wind blew you a gentle breeze, attempting to put your hair behind your ears in a comforting way.

Miyazawa Kenji arrived, he was done gathering plenty of dry wood when he saw you standing. He watches your forehead touch the bark of a tree, eyes quietly staring at how ethereal it looked. Kenji knew you were conversing with the tree and so, he kept his mouth shut. It was never his trait to interrupt such intimate moments.

You look in a different direction – you failed to notice Kenji's presence – and continued to talk about your dream of exploring outside the village. "If I am given a chance, I would never pass that opportunity. Imagine the possibilities. I could help our village to grow and maybe we won't have to throw away our harvest after a storm."

The trees stayed silent. They admire your ambitions but such aspiration would only be killed when you reach the city. It was a cruel place. People search for a reason for living and when time passes, they give their life up completely. Would you survive such hell?

"You'll get there someday." You turned you head back. Kenji was smiling, a big one that reached his ears; one that does not mock your dreams. He genuinely believes in you.

You could only stare back in utter surprise. The wind rages in disagreement, influencing the trees to sway back and forth to create a noise that they hope you would listen to. They don't want you to lose your heart in such a cruel place. But you ignored them and smiled back at the boy who offered his heart as a first step for you to reach the tall wall placed between your dreams.

"When you arrive in the city, please don't forget us!" the golden child reminds you. An attempt to cheer up the air between you. Indirectly showing his fear that he had only realized it after saying those words. He couldn't bear it when the time came and you had to leave them behind to pursue your dreams. The image of you not going back to the village had dreaded his heart so much that he buried it within just so he could smile back at you at this very moment.

You made a vow to come back and visit them from time to time. It would be a sin not to. And how dare you forget him if that ever happened. To you, his words ignite your heart ablaze. That little spark of interest had turned into a beast. This boy was to blame. He made you believe as if both of you knew it like the back of the hand. Kenji's eyes shone brightly back to you, mirroring the reflection that was staring at his soul. In a sense, this child had sold his soul for your dreams. For you to be able to achieve your happiness waiting beyond this forest.

Kenji knew that you're one of a kind. The type that the world could never cage in one place. It would be a shame if people around the world never take a good look at you at least once. "Let's go back now before dark."

Kenji grabbed your entire firewood in one swoop and turned his back to walk away. You bid your farewell to the spirits, your lips curved into a fine smile as you tried to wave a little as a gesture only to be greeted by their silence. Your smile dropped.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃、𝗆𝗂𝗒𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗂Where stories live. Discover now