꒱.✧ 天気 ;; undefeated by the rain

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The scent of coffee lingered in the air as the waitress catered a cup of latte beside the neighboring table. Hearing the gratitude from the customers, the woman's lips were pulled up into a genuine smile. Simple things such as thank you's really wipe off their tiredness. She embraces the tray up to her chest and bow slightly before passing by a group of detectives whose circle would always offer chaotic antics. Nevertheless, the staffs never mind them. A little bit of a mess could always make a place a perfect atmosphere of something.

While his co-workers were all at their joyous mood, a boy, whose eyes mirrored the sun, would only stared them in his own peace. He never tried joining in nor he ever be annoyed of it. To him, it was pure bliss. Happiness painted in a different location; that is what it was to him. Kenji always liked the agency anyways. They were a bunch of good people. Genuine. If you tell him to paint Dazai, the boy would certainly drew him as a saint.

"Ah, it's raining." Yosano's ear had picked up the sound of the weather. Her eyes stared at the skies mindlessly while a cup of espresso quietly sits in front of her. In a few seconds, she finds herself staring at Kenji, who smiles and have a melody rolling off his tongue. She asks if the kid likes this kind of weather.

He said: "I really like it. It waters all the farm and flowers. People don't need to do it anymore. They just have to rest and sit for a while."

The doctor was looking for some other answers. But she had her lips pursed and never replied back to the innocent child. Though Yosano would say she doesn't hate Kenji's manner of thinking, she often find herself wondering what kind of thoughts are running inside his mind. A little curiosity of hers that she knew she would never be able to satisfy. I supposed that is what kids are.

"Ugh, I hate rain." Naomi exclaimed. The teen slumped back to her sit, leaning on her older brother's chest with her lips expressed in such bitterness. "They soak my socks! Especially when I had to walk in a puddle! You have to be careful to avoid that but how can I ran towards my brother! I could have slipped!"

Ah, so that she dislikes: unable to rush towards her beloved brother. Atsushi's eyes rolled off away from the pair, still feels uncomfortable at Naomi's possessiveness as his shoulders back off from where they are.

"...I hope no one dies." The table went silent.

Their eyes stared at Kenji. A mix of confusion and intrigue while looking at the boy who was flashing them a sweetest smile he often pulls off. He had no idea why his seniors were looking at him like he was the only animal that could finish all the chores in the fields in one sweep. But then again, that is a sight to see for a farmer. He suddenly wonders if what he thinks is possible.

His mind wanders around his memories with you, causing his eyes to avert from his fellow workers and stare out the window. This time, it was not the skies he was after, but the sight of a modernized building towering over his vision. Life in the city. He remembers you crave for that life. You didn't like the life you're having back in their small village. But for some reason, he remembers you for having fun while your fingers were all sticky due to wet soils while the both of you were planting a set of seeds.

You were his dear friend. The sun who would conquer the skies and nurture all their village's field. You were the one who scolds the other children when they are running around the field, fearing that they would accidentally ruin the vegetable's leaves. Unlike him who was raised through kindness, you were the child who was raised through endless rains. Still, his memory had painted you like the sun. No amount of rain can drown you out. You knew how to swim but you were never taught to climb. Maybe that's why you fell that day. The land took the opportunity to drown you out with its dirty soils.

But it was not the rain who killed you that day but the soil whom you befriended. Their betrayal would often leave Kenji a bitter taste in his tongue but he could never dare to wipe that stupid smile off his face. For that is what you desired. The sun will always remain as the king of the skies and the people who swore their loyalty to it would follow what they desire. You can never be defeated even with the rain.

The rain grew louder as it showers the city with their mighty cry. This made the boy change his mind, remembering what the doctor had asked him moments before. His fingers tapped the wooden table as if he was calling for co-workers' attention (It was Yosano whom he wanted to hear his words). After he felt the right pair of eyes onto his being, he says: "Maybe I do hate the rain after all."

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃、𝗆𝗂𝗒𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗂Where stories live. Discover now