꒱.✧ 天気 ;; undefeated by the wind

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In the small village of Ihatovo, everything your eyes can reach can help everyone survive life. You spend your entire life here. By the look of the skies, the softness of the soil, and even the direction of the wind can whisper in your ears and it enables you to forecast today's weather. You were one of the village's pride and joy. The other one, of course, is him, a boy around your age. A fellow villager.

"What are you doing?" he heard your voice curiously observing him, he was mumbling and talking to their lovely cow. Your eyes keep staring at his face as his lips remain smiling without ever looking at your direction. You were the type who gets easily angered especially when someone is not paying attention to you. So, in a side glance, he noticed your eyebrows furrowed as the bitterness rose up to your throat, waiting for a signal to throw the words you want to yell. But you didn't. Somehow, you find yourself unable to force your childish authority towards him.

Kenji stayed silent. His throat was singing a melody his mother used to lull him to sleep. He speaks to them like how he would speak to a human as if it could understand his speech. He believes that this kind of approach will never fail him. He just needed to wear his heart on his sleeves and everything would flow all according to what life would throw at him.

Then, he turns to you. He watches your eyes stare at him. His mind was suddenly intrigued.

"Is there something you would like to tell me?" He tilts his head, an innocent expression plastered on his freckled face. He watches your eyes narrowed down at him, forming a glare as they can no longer contain their patience. They tell Kenji to never mind about it and so he concedes.

The wind blew stronger for a moment. Your hair tried to follow the breeze up to the skies that you had to block it so it cannot get to your eyes. Strangely enough it was an enchanted moment. Kenji stood there, enjoying the nice fresh air. He laughs in which he sees a frown dancing in your face. He asks why in a laughing manner.

"Don't laugh. There's a storm coming." You say before walking away, leaving the boy behind the fences without bidding a farewell nor have you ever told him where you will be.

Kenji knew the drill. He yells back to say thank you, swinging his arms up in the air as he walks backward (he wants to part way in a way he can see you) to give you his biggest form of gratitude before he rushes back to the elders and notify of what you have told him. From afar, he saw your face blank as they watched him stare at your face as well. You didn't know what to feel about him as a whole. Same goes for the people in the village.

To you, this was the only way to survive. To help. So that in turn, they help you too. But the life you wanted was beyond that idea and Kenji knew that very well. You told him about it while filling the silence between the two of you while tasked to find firewood in the mountain forest. And as you stroll with him, you would purposely distance away from him. You wanted to be free. Away from this place. It was happy and safe but you seek something more.

Kenji remembered the time you shared during that trip. He once looked up to the skies, watching a flock of birds drive their way to their destination. He saw you unbothered despite yelling at you to look at them. He could only gaze at your solemn face, envious of what they see. Oh to be as free as a bird. The golden boy could only whisper that the wind too, would guide you to where you wish you would be like a friend who wishes for your true happiness. That way, you'll remain unbeaten by the wind too.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃、𝗆𝗂𝗒𝖺𝗓𝖺𝗐𝖺 𝗄𝖾𝗇𝗃𝗂Where stories live. Discover now