Last Night

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Kitty POV

Ah, as I open my eyes my head feels like it's pounding. What happened last night? The last thing I remember is that I'm drinking then I feel dizzy, but how did I end her in my room?

Now looking at the mirror, I realize how my hair is all messed up, and then something caught my attention, a necklace on my neck. I look at how beautiful the necklace is, it has a heart-shaped pendant with diamonds around it, and at the back, it has "M & K" engraved on it. Now I know who gave me this necklace, Minho.  A smile starts to form on my lips, but then memories from last night hit me.

Last Night:

Min Ho helps me to go back to my bedroom and tries to sober me up, he convinced me to drink some water, but I instead look at him with lustful eyes and kiss him. And then I start to unbutton his shirt but he stops me.

Then I also remember that I put my hands on Minho's neck and stares directly into his eyes. "Yeah, Minho don't you want me? I thought you love me." Yeah, why did I say that?

"You know that I love you so much Kitty, but your drunk and I don't want to take advantage of your situation. If we will do it I want both of us to be sober. I want it to be memorable for both of us. Plus we're in your home, what will your family thinks we should respect them." He said to me

I'm thankful that Minho respects me and didn't take advantage of my situation. I know if I'm with another guy, he might insist that we continue what I started. And then after I sober up, I'll regret it for sure. So I'm glad Minho takes care of me, before his needs, because I know that he loves me.

I remember when Minho puts the necklace on my neck and said I love you, and no matter how many times he said that to me, the butterflies in my stomach never fades away. As I think of it, a tingle of pink appears on my cheeks, and I know I'm blushing again.


But the real problem is how can I face Minho when I acted like that last night, I'm blushing just thinking about that. How can I let myself do that to him, I know he's my boyfriend but I acted like a horny teenager. And what if my family found out about last night, so I need to get myself in check?

I fix myself to make sure I'm presentable enough, then a letter on my bedside table caught my attention.


To My Gorgeous Girlfriend Kitty,

You will always be my first love. Not like the first person I liked or the one who took my breath away or my first kiss, but my first strong feeling. I knew from the moment I realized that like you that my heart already belongs to you....

There are things in life that I'm not always clear about, but what I know for sure is; You are the one I want to be with. This is the relationship I want to be in. And this is the love I want to last forever.

Merry Christmas, Covey

I love you so much.

Yours forever,
Minho ❤❤❤


After reading the letter, a tear starts to fall on my eyes. How can he love me this much? I feel that I'm the luckiest girl in the world to have Minho as my boyfriend.

Then a knock on my door interrupted my thoughts;

"Kitty, it's me, are you awake?" Minho asked

"Yes, you can come in." I hurriedly wipe my tears, but Minho saw my swollen eyes.

Minho sat beside me and hug me.

"Yah, why are you crying? Does something happen?" He tries to console me.

"I read your letter and it shows how much you love me. I feel guilty because I don't know if I'm able to give you the love you deserve. You're perfect in every way and I'm just the plain boring girl. And last night the way I behave it's embarrassing. But thank you because you didn't take advantage of me." I said while crying

"Don't say that you're just a plain boring girl because in my eyes you're perfect. And I love everything about you. About last night I found how cute when you are drunk Covey. But remember not to get drunk when I'm not with you. I don't want you to be taken advantage with any guy, since you know, the way you act. So as your boyfriend, I'll make sure to always protect you."

"I'm so happy that you're my boyfriend. I love you." I take a quick peck on his lips, which startled him a little, but then
he started to deepen our kiss. We just stop when we need to catch our breath.

" I love you too, but you know Covey, I took a long cold bath last night because of you. Next time I don't know if I can stop my self when you act like that." He said smirking

After he said that I know how red my face is.

"Come on Covey, let's go downstairs to eat breakfast, they are already waiting for us."

He took my hand and we walk hand in hand.

Two Hearts Collide // XO Kitty (Kitty x Minho) Where stories live. Discover now