chapter 1

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Rain is alone and scared for the first time in his life. Until now he has always had mama to protect him. It has always just been the two of them alone in the cabin in the woods. Last week though mama had gone out for supplies and had never come back.

Now Rain doesn’t know what to do. Mama has told him over and over again that he must never leave the small property surrounding the cabin. She said it was so he wouldn’t get lost in the woods but Rain has always felt there are deeper, darker things that she is afraid of.

The fact that the food is running out finally pushes Rain into a decision. He has to go try to find mama, although he doesn’t know where to look.

He begins by following the small dirt road that she had taken in the old jeep that she used for supply runs. By the time it’s getting dark, Rain comes to a paved road but he isn’t sure which way to go from there.

He decides to go left because he can see lights in the distance from that direction.

Rain freezes when headlights approach him. By the time he thinks he should run it’s too late, the men are already out of the truck and surrounding him.

“An omega?” One man asks in surprise. “A runaway? He’s not wearing a collar.”

“Must be.” Another man says. “Put him in the truck, we’ll take him to the center. They will give a reward for turning in a runaway.”

Rain tried to protest, to struggle away from them but they easily overpower him and put him in their truck.

Rain is taken to a place with a sign out front. He reads the sign that says, “Bangkok Center for Omega protection and placement.” The name seems comforting. He’s not sure what the placement part means but if they are here to protect omegas doesn’t that mean they will help him?

A bored looking woman at the front desk asks his name and who he belongs to.

When he doesn’t answer right away one of the men that brought him in squeezes his shoulder hard causing him to yelp in pain.

“Rain,” he sobs, “and I don’t understand I don’t belong to anyone.” The man makes a threatening move towards him but the woman at the desk waves him off.

“It’s fine,” she says with a sigh. “We’ll just run his ID number.” She motions to one of the guards near the front door and he takes Rain to a small room that says “processing” on the door.

A man comes in and looks Rain over, then scans him with a bar shaped scanner. He frowns and scans Rain again moving over his body more slowly this time. Then he calls his supervisor to come in.

“He doesn’t have an ID.” He tells his supervisor.

“Impossible, all Omegas have an ID code, they are given within days of their birth as soon as they are identified.” The man answers, “your equipment must be faulty.”

He left the room and came back with another scanner. He used this one himself and frowned at the results.

“You don’t think he is feral do you?” The worker says in amazement, “I didn’t think there were any feral omegas left in Thailand.”

Rain frowns at the world feral, it implies that he is some sort of wild thing.

The supervisor shrugs, “Doesn’t matter, we’ll get Sun to put him together some dummy papers. He’ll be sold all the same.”

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