Chapter 9

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Pai can't help but to notice that Sky's nightmares have become more frequent and steadily worse over time. He had hoped if he could make the omega feel safe it would get better. This however seems to be the worst dream yet.

The fact that he can't seem to wake Sky up this time is making Pai feel even more desperate. Pai does the only thing he can think of. He buries his head into Sky's neck and scent marks him. Scent marking is an archaic practice seldom practiced in today's society, but Sky has occasionally been calmed after his nightmares by scenting Pai. This is the next best thing.

Sky still doesn't wake up, but he does calm down. Now that the omega isn't thrashing around and fighting him, Pai can feel the heat coming off his skin. Pai knows from Sky's medical records that the omega doesn't have even mild heats on his suppressants so this can only mean that Sky is sick.

Pai calls Sky's doctor, a woman who specializes in omega medicine, and asks her to come out. He also calls Phayu and tells him not to bring Rain over in case Sky has something contagious to omegas.

"Call and let us know how he is doing," Phayu tells him, "Rain will be worried."

"I will." Pai promises.

The doctor informs him that Sky has a mild upper respiratory infection, nothing too concerning. She gives him a shot for now since he isn't awake to take medicine.

When Pai asks about the nightmares she asks, "Does Sky have a history of trauma? I see from his medical chart that he was a returned omega. Do you know anything about his history?"

"The center didn't give me any information and he doesn't like to talk about it." Pai admits.

"Hmm, to be honest there aren't many omega therapists out there, not enough alphas care about their omega's mental health." She draws her mouth in a disapproving line. "However, there are a few and I could refer you to one if you want after Sky is feeling better. He has to want to go though, it won't do him any good to force him."

"I will talk to him." Pai says.

"Good, I will leave you some more medicine for his infection and I recommend bed rest for a few days. He'll be fine, Sky is lucky to have such a caring alpha." She says.

"I'm lucky to have him too." Pai says.

Pai spends most of the night watching over Sky, bathes him in cool water and changes his pajamas twice when Sky sweats through them. He even finds the extra sheets the maid has stored in the bedroom closet and temporarily moves Sky to the sofa so he can change the bedding.

Pai has never done anything like this for anyone, not even his brother when he had a terrible case of the flu last year while his parents were out of town. He had called in a nurse to care for Plerng. It doesn't even occur to him to call someone in to take care of Sky. He likes being able to care for the omega.

By the morning the omega's fever has dropped and he seems to be sleeping peacefully. Pai takes his phone onto the balcony to call his father to let him know he won't be into work. When he tells his dad that Sky is sick, his dad says to take all the time he needs. The whole family adores Sky, Pai thinks with a smile.

He then calls Phayu to let him, and by extension Rain, know that Sky is doing a little better.

When he goes back in, Sky is trying to get out of bed. Pai is at his side in an instant. "Be careful," he says as gently as possible, "you've been extremely sick." He tries never to use a commanding tone with Sky. Sky who flinches at any hint of command or raised voice. This time he must be a little firm though, the omega can be stubborn when it comes to letting someone take care of him.

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