Chapter 8

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TW minor character death, mentions of Parental abuse and past sexual abuse. 

Whatever P'Pakin was going to say seems to die on the man's lips. Rain chances a glance up through his eyelashes and sees the man is looking at him stunned. P'Pakin's hand moves slowly to Rain's pendant but he doesn't quite touch it.

"Where did you get this?" He demands.

Rain's heart speeds up in fear, wondering if he has somehow done something wrong. "It belongs to my mother, Phi." Rain whispers.

P'Pakin goes pale at those words and stares at Rain incredulously.

"Your name's Rain, is that short for Varain by any chance?" P'Pakin asks.

"Yes, Phi." Rain answers, still keeping his head down. He wonders if he has somehow done something wrong and will be punished.

P'Pakin turns to the omega next to him and says, "Graph, could you ask Chai to take over greeting the guests, I need to talk to Phayu and Rain."

Rain glances helplessly back at Sky and P'Pai before he and P'Phayu are led away.

In P'Pakin's home office Rain stands nervously hiding slightly behind P'Phayu. P'Pakin gives him a friendly smile and says, "Don't be scared, Rain. You are safe here. Could the two of you have a seat please?" He motions to two chairs across from his desk. P'Pakin sits behind his desk and presses his palms together holding his hands in front of his mouth as he studies Rain intently.

"Yes, I can see it, her eyes and mouth," he murmurs to himself.

Finally he sits up straight and says, "Rain, Phayu, I'm going to tell you a story, please listen carefully.

Twenty one years ago

Pakin slipped into P'Pear's room because he had secretly watched a scary movie earlier and hoped his sister would let him sleep in her room. She sometimes did when their parents were away. P'Pear was seventeen and seemed to be very much an adult to the eleven year old.

To his surprise he caught P'Pear slipping back in through the french doors of her bedroom. She wasn't supposed to go out when their parents weren't there, she was in charge of watching over Pakin.

Her eyes went wide with fear when she saw Pakin standing there in her room, "Kin, please don't tell mom and dad."

"You've been out to see that omega boy again," Pakin said. His heart was filled with fear for his sister, if his parents knew. No, not just his parents, P'Pear's omega had a strict and cruel alpha, if he knew. P'Pear would be in so much trouble. She could even be arrested. That's nothing compared to what could happen to the omega.

"Kin, please," P'Pear said again, "please don't tell."

"I won't tell, P'Pear, I would never tell, but what if you get caught?" Pakin says. "What will happen to the two of you?"

"I know, Kin, but I love him. Can't you understand?" P'Pear says. Pakin does understand, but it doesn't stop the icy fear in his heart, too much fear for an eleven year old who only a few minutes ago was only worried about make believe monsters.

For almost a year Pakin helped P'Pear sneak out to meet her omega, sometimes he would even go on picnics with them. Pakin can't help but to like Kla very much. The omega was extremely sweet and obviously adored his sister. They sometimes talked about running away together and hiding somewhere no one knew them, P'Pear could pretend to be Kla's alpha and there would be no reason for anyone to question it. They even talked about having children some day.

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