Chapter 2

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Phayu’s head jerks up and he looks at Pai in surprise at this. “I’ll do it.”

Pai laughs at this, “intrigued by the idea of a feral omega? Rain is definitely one of a kind.”

“So what are your intentions for this omega? Parties, bed warmer, mate? I will need to know how to train him.” Phayu says.

“To be honest, I don’t know. Rain is pretty enough, but I never intended to buy him. I only did so because Sky asked me to and they seemed so attached to each other.” Pai says.

“Let me get this straight, you paid millions of baht for an omega because they were friends with the omega you actually wanted? Must be nice to have money to burn like that.” Phayu is well off but Omegas are rare and only the wealthiest could afford even one.

“I’ll come pick up Rain tomorrow.” Phayu says. “Does he need a training collar?”

“Yes, I didn’t get Sky any trainer collars, only normal ones,” Pai says. Training collars, usually only used on very young omegas but could be used on an older omega going through “retraining” were made out of nylon or cloth and plain. Their purpose was to gain the omega more leniency while they were learning. Any punishments or reprimands were completely in the hands of their trainers. A normal omega collar was more decorative and was usually made of rich clothes, padded leather, or in some cases metal. An omega wearing one of these who behaved improperly could be turned over to an authority to punish with or without their alpha’s consent.

Every claimed omega was required to wear a collar and all the omega children at the training centers wore training collars as well. Only omegas waiting to be sold went collarless until they were claimed by their new alphas. Sky and Rain both had been given normal collars that morning, but Phayu would want to put Rain in a training collar before they left Pai’s house just in case.

That night Pai let Sky stay with Rain to help him pack, not that Rain had much, just a few clothes given to him from the center, and a few that Pai had found that fit him. All of Rain’s own possessions had been taken from him when he was taken and not given back.

Sky and Rain slept for the last time huddled together like they had at the center. Neither saw Pai come in during the night and look softly down on the two omegas sleeping in each other’s arms.

The next morning, while they are waiting for Phayu, Sky warns Rain that he can’t make a scene like he did at the center. He has to be good and go with Phayu quietly. Pai has said that Phayu isn’t a cruel trainer and Sky hopes he is right.

Rain can’t help but to look up at the handsome man that Pai brings into the office where Sky and Rain are waiting. Sky nudges him as a reminder that he should not look directly into an alpha’s eyes and Rain looks down, although he hasn’t quite learned the eyeshift that Sky tried to teach him at the center.

Phayu’s breath had caught when the omega looked at him. Had Pai really described him as “pretty enough”? The omega was stunning. He had soft black hair that came down just below his collar in the back, big innocent doe eyes that were honey brown in color, naturally clear skin that seemed to have a luminescent glow, and tempting pouty lips that just begged to be kissed.

“I’m going to change your collar for the training one I brought with me.” Phayu says, not unkindly. He doesn’t want the omega to be startled or fight, that could cause Rain to hurt himself and that’s the last thing Phayu wants. Phayu takes off the leather studded collar and replaces it with a plain red nylon one.

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