Chapter 10

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Pai looks down at the sleeping omega in his arms, he brushes the hair off of his forehead gently. Sky looks so peaceful; he didn't have a nightmare last night. Still Pai knows that seeing his former alpha had shaken Sky badly and hopes this doesn't cause a setback in the omega's recovery. Sky has barely said a word to anyone, even Rain, since the close call and rescue. He had cried himself to sleep though, clinging to Pai like a lost child. It's the first time Pai had seen the omega shed tears.

It was a lucky thing P'Pakin had his guards keeping an eye on Rain and Sky last night. When the two had slipped away from the race, one of the guards had spotted them and called P'Pakin, while another went to let Phayu know. Pai had been just in time to join them after his race, and they had found the omegas being menaced by two low level alphas that had often frequented the races.

When Rain had informed P'Pakin that this was the alpha that had hurt Sky so badly that he still had nightmares, Pai had felt the anger wash over him like a tidal wave. He thought of all the times Sky had woken up terrified, all the wary looks Sky had given him at even the smallest change in tone of voice, each time Sky had flinched at an unexpected touch.

Once the omegas had been led away, Pai wanted nothing more than to pay this alpha back for all of that and more. Gun had lost consciousness disappointingly quickly when Pai had torn into him. His cowardly friend had hit his knees and begged to be let go, but Pai couldn't help but wonder how many times Sky had been made to beg before these two. He had turned to P'Pakin and said, "I will participate in every race you ask me to, you can keep all the winnings, if you will dispose of this trash." He said, indicating the unconscious Gun and Petch still on his knees.

"Not necessary, they were dead the minute they threatened my nephew," P'Pakin had answered. Petch let out a wail at this. Pai didn't feel the least bit sorry for either of them.

Sky opens his eyes and for a moment a look of panic crosses his face as if he doesn't know where he is.

"P'Pai?" He asks then launches himself into Pai's arms.

"Shh, I'm here sweetheart." Pai tells him hugging Sky close. "You're safe."

Sky pulls back and looks down, "Do you still want to know?"

Pai puts his hand under Sky's chin and brings his head up to look him in the eyes, "Only if you want to tell me about it."

Sky nods. "I do, and I need to talk about it now before I lose my nerve."

"Gun was my first alpha, he bought me when I was just out of the training center. I knew what an alpha expected from their omega, I had been trained for it, but no matter what I did I couldn't seem to please Gun. I thought at first it was my fault, that I was a bad omega. After a while I realized that Gun just took pleasure in hurting me and letting his friends, like Petch, hurt me." Sky takes a deep breath then says, "Last night wasn't the first time I had been to the race. Gun used to take me and bet a night with me to whoever he raced against. If he lost, he would make me go with the person, but once I was back home, he would beat me for it. He always claimed it was my fault he lost. The last time he hurt me so badly that I almost died, that's when his father found me and made Gun take me to the center. I was a broken thing. It wasn't until I met Rain that I found the will to go on."

Sky reached out a hand and brushed his fingers against Pai's cheek, he looked surprised at the moisture he found there. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry." Pai says.

"Why?" Sky asks.

"I'm sorry, I didn't meet you first, that I didn't know you back then. I wouldn't have let any of that happen to you. I would have only made you happy." Pai says.

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