Chapter 7

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Phayu takes the gift box out of his pocket and checks the contents. Pai had offered to give Rain dozens of collars in celebration of his graduation from training and becoming Phayu's omega. Phayu had refused though, now that Rain was his, he only wanted the little omega to wear his collar. Besides, he had this one made especially for Rain.

Of course Rain hasn't officially graduated yet, nor does he officially belong to Phayu. Rain needs to go into the center to take the official test. When Phayu had agreed to train Rain, they had his status changed to retraining. Now the test will be required for him to be listed as a fully trained omega.

Once that is done then Rain's ownership can be transferred to Phayu that same day. It's just a matter of filling out the proper paperwork. Phayu smiles and puts the collar away, he has no doubt that Rain will easily pass his test.

Phayu isn't allowed to be in the testing room, but as Rain's trainer he is able to watch Rain being tested through a one way mirror. Rain fidgets slightly but keeps his eyes downward as the government sanctioned examiner circles Rain without saying anything. Phayu stiffens not liking another alpha near his omega but he knows this is part of the test. In public an omega must always be polite even if an alpha is acting rudely towards them. It's up to their alpha to take action to stop their fellow alpha's behavior.

Next the examiner tests Rain on his hand signals, both those from the alpha and the ones Rain would use if he needed something from his alpha while they are in public. Rain passes all of these with flying colors.

The last portion of the test is for Rain to give some sort of entertainment recital. They had debated on this for a while, Rain was extremely good at dance but in the end Rain had wanted to demonstrate his guitar skills. This is the one performance aspect that Phayu had taught Rain himself.

Rain gets the guitar and takes a seat that someone brought in for him. He tunes the guitar and plays an ancient love song Phayu taught him perfectly note by note. Even the examiner looks impressed.

In the end Rain loses a few points for fidgeting but scores extremely high on the test. Phayu can't help but be proud of the little omega when his scores are read out. Once they have Rain's scores he calls Pai to arrange to meet him at the center to sign Rain's paperwork.

"Why don't you drop Rain by the condo and pick me up?" Pai says. "They would probably enjoy spending the day together and Rain won't have to wait, bored, while we fill out the paperwork."

Rain almost runs into the condo, he is so eager to tell Sky about his test scores. Phayu knows he probably should reprimand him, but the little omega is so cute when he is excited over something, besides which Pai's condo is different from being out in public.

"We'll be back later," Pai tells Sky.

"Be good," Phayu says, touseling Rain's hair.

Rain nods and gives him a sweet smile. By the time they leave, Rain is already talking a mile a minute to Sky letting him know every detail of what's happened in the week since they last saw each other. To listen to Rain chatter you would have thought they had been apart for years.

"So when I played the guitar...." Rain is saying.

"The examiner clapped?" Sky finishes.

"How did you know?" Rain asks with a pout.

"This is the third time you told me." Sky says, rolling his eyes. He's not really annoyed, Sky is actually glad that Rain has still managed to keep his bubbly personality even after what happened at the races. Thinking of the races a question occurs to Sky. "Did P'Chai come to see you, he came to talk to P'Pai about what happened."

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