Chapter 3

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After dismissing the omega, Phayu works on making out a training schedule for Rain. In the mornings Phayu makes drafts and floor plans for the architectural firm he works for. Working part time from home has given him more flexibility when it comes to training in the past and will be useful with Rain’s training as well.

Rain’s mornings will be devoted to furthering his education. Phayu had been pleased to find that Rain has been well educated to begin with, highly unusual for an omega, and he has every intention of building on that.

Afternoons will be devoted to those things Rain needs improvement in. Exercise, formal and informal dance classes, musical education etc. Since many alphas like to show off their omega’s talents at parties and recitals it is considered crucial that an omega be well trained in performance arts. Prapai is paying for instructors to come in for dance and vocal lessons. Phayu plans on teaching Rain the guitar himself, something he learned from his father.

Evenings before dinner will be devoted to obedience training. Between dinner and bed will be the omega’s free time to pursue his interests and hobbies as long as he has done nothing to have those privileges taken away.

After he finishes drawing up the schedule Phayu decides to go check on Rain. Seeing how the omega spends his free time will give Phayu another useful insight into his character.

When he looks in however, Rain is curled up on the bed fast asleep. Phayu moves over to the bed to look down at the sleeping omega. Rain looks so peaceful like this with almost a look of childlike innocence. The sight somehow goes straight to Phayu’s heart. He can’t seem to help the hand that reaches out to brush some stray hair from the omega’s face.

Phayu tries to remind himself that Rain isn’t his. His job is only to train the omega. That’s why he can’t afford to develop feelings for Rain. Somewhere a voice in the back of his mind tells him it’s already too late for that though.

That night at dinner P’Phayu introduced Rain to his twin brother, Saifah. Although Saifah seemed to be the opposite to P’Phayu in both looks and personality, Rain took an immediate liking to P’Fah. He seemed open and friendly where P’Phayu was more stoic and reserved.

“Are you taking Rain to the races next month?” P’Fah asks.

Rain looks up in interest at this. Having grown up sheltered he hasn’t had any chance to go to any public events, but he has read many books on races and they sound fascinating.

P’Phayu frowns at this, and only says, “We’ll see.”

Rain’s first week of training goes fairly smoothly. Phayu has set up a desk and study area in the corner of his office so he can keep an eye on Rain while he studies.

Overall Phayu is happy with how fast the little omega picks things up. Rain is especially good at the classes that require creative thought and the language lesson. Rain hadn’t been over exaggerating his skills there, the omega was extremely brilliant when it came to languages. He seemed to have a natural talent for his dance classes as well. He didn’t have a great voice but he picked up the guitar really well.

The only issue that week comes on Wednesday morning when Rain is not able to concentrate on his history lessons. The first sign of an issue is Rain sighing and restlessly stirring in his seat. Phayu looks up and frowns at him. Rain is looking thunderously at his history book, as if it had offended him somehow.

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