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It was just another tiring day for you. You completed your mission and returned to the H/Q to report to Mori-san. You worked as a translator for port mafia . You were not gifted but you still had a lot of importance and influence in port mafia due to your role in negotiation with other organizations . As such you were respected by others and worked directly under Mori-san.

" As expected of our Y/N - kun , You never disappoint me with your negotiating skills." exclaimed Mori. 

" It was nothing boss. They had no choice but to comply with our demands cause they knew they had no chance against  us." you replied.

" Well you are not exactly wrong but still well done. It has been quiet some time since you last came back and there will be some time until I assign you next mission so enjoy your stay." he said while chasing after half naked Elise-chan with a dress in his hand.

"Thank you, Boss". You replied as non chalantly as you can. Anyone who saw Elise and Mori for first time might think what a cute pair of father and daughter but truth was not as it seemed to be. Well yeah who would dare think that the most feared port mafia boss was a pedophille.

After leaving his office you just thought of how badly you wanted to go to your apartment and just rest. Until you bumped into certain ginger. 

"Lost in thoughts are we? You didn't even notice me, huh ?". He said acting a bit hurt.

"Chuuya!!!" you exclaimed in joy as you hugged him. You were happy to see him as it had been a long time since you last met.

Chuuya was your best friend. He joined mafia shortly after you and you were similar in age. When you first met him you thought how could someone be this short tempered but after getting to know him you realized he was a great guy at least until you don't get on his nerves. And it was so much fun teasing him.

"Hey calm down!" he said embarrassed while hugging you back.

"So until when are you gonna stay this time?" he asked shortly after pulling back.

"Probably for a while until Boss assign me another mission. That means we can finally hangout after a while. " you said gleefully.

"Sure then tomorrow at our usual place ?" 

"Done!! By the way where are you going this late ?"

"Oh shit I forgot I was summoned by the Boss! Then I will be going now, let's catch up tomorrow." he said as he waved off.

You were really excited to hangout with Chuuya after a long time. But much to your dismay next morning you were called by Mori for an important urgent mission. You were really disappointed but you can't really go against Mori. After dragging your feet you went to Mori's office to get details on the mission. He told you it was a meeting with a foreign rival organization who first refused to cooperate with mafia but yesterday they themselves made a deal for partnership. There was a big probability that this was a feint meeting to get you mafia's ace negotiator aka you. Then you saw Chuuya entering Mori's office.

"You called Boss?"

"Ah! Yes Chuuya-kun right timing. I want you to accompany Y/N-kun to the meeting. There is a high chance that it could be a assassination attempt so I want you to protect him/her."

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