Origins Miko

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( Mars )

A scientific vessel was making its way towards a nearby signal that the main base had detected.

" The signal comes from a rift 4921 feet from our position. Its amplitude is really unusual. I wonder what's causing such a phenomenon. " An astronaut asked his colleague.

The other astronaut, a Japanese man with brown hair, contacted the base.

" Base camp, we're making a detour to identify the source. We should be back for dinner" He stated

"Roger that, Rover 03. There will be curry tonight. Good luck." the radio responded

The vehicle continued on its way until it arrived in front of a crater. The passengers then got out of the vehicle and began preparing for their descent into the crater.

"Look, this crater has a strange form. Very different from the ones we've already studied. The brown-haired man said, "This type of rock formation is usually caused by meteor strikes. But here, it gives the impression that it was a powerful explosion that caused it." the brown-haired man noted

" Stop theorizing, Kōshichi, and come to help me fasten my harness. I don't want it to let go of me. " His colleague, a mustachioed black-haired man said

" Coming, Sakurako. " Kōshichi said, helping his colleague

Sakurako then climbed down into the crater, holding a sensor in his hand.

"I shouldn't be too far from the source. The sensors are in the red, but I still can't see anything." Sakurako reported

He continued his descent until he saw crystals at the bottom of the rift.

" Wait, I found it. There's a large formation of crystals." he called

" Take a sample so that we may analyse it. " Kōshichi said

However, as Sakurako approached the crystal, a kind of black smoke emerged from it and entered the astronaut's body, while he heard a voice in his head.

" You are mine. Take me to your planet. " The voice said

( months later, autobots base )

It has been six months since Optimus sacrificed himself to allow Cybertron to bear life once again. Arcee was glad to see her homeworld restored, but felt that she truly belonged on Earth and so returned to the blue planet. Bumblebee followed her to stay with Rafael, who had moved away with his family to Mexico.

Currently, the remnants of Team Prime were watching TV, where the news was talking about the mission on Mars.

" Live on the return of the formidable odyssey of the Mars exploration mission. During 23 months, the astronaut team achieved the feat of landing on Mars and performed delicate experiments.

The ship covered the distance separating Earth from the red planet in nine months. Upon arriving at Mars, the crew built a temporary base where they lived for four months before returning home.

The mission was a resounding success. However, only one of the astronauts, Lieutenant Sakurako Abe, is suffering from an infection during the journey home. We hope that he will make a speedy recovery.

To celebrate this event, a great ceremony will take place, in three days, in the presence of the entire crew and all financial and political partners who contributed to making this feat possible."

"And to think that this happened because of my dad," Miko said proudly.

"Your father may be a scientific prodigy, Miko, but this mission brought together scientists from all over the world. Mr. Nakadai was just one small link in that chain." Ratchet responded

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