6 Kid's Love

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I let out a contented sigh, feeling rejuvenated as I rose from the soothing waters of the hot spring-a perfect remedy for my weary body. The steam enveloped me, adding to the tranquility of the moment. Hastily, I slipped into my clothes and retrieved my sketchbook from my bag, eager to capture the beauty around me. As I began to sketch, I found myself struggling a bit, the eye patch posing a challenge to my artistic vision. Yet, amidst the difficulty, a fond memory surfaced, fueling my determination to capture the scene before me.

"Ryu-uh, Y/n-chan," Sabito's voice broke through the tranquility of my meditation as he approached me with measured steps, his presence disrupting the stillness around me.

"Sabi-tan! Is dinner ready?" I called out with a warm smile, using the endearing term to affectionately address Sabito, my voice filled with anticipation for the meal he had prepared.

Sabito's cheeks turned a shade of pink in embarrassment as he stammered, "Wh-what?! Don't call me that," in response to my playful use of the endearing term. Chuckling softly, I watched his reaction with amusement. "It's almost done, but I wanted to ask you a question," he continued, his voice regaining composure as he caught my curious gaze.

"Do you remember when we taught you how to breathe? Are you practicing it right now?" Sabito's voice held a gentle reminder as he looked at me with concern. "Make sure to practice it diligently, okay? I mean constantly, even in your sleep-I'll help you with that part," he assured me with a reassuring smile, his determination evident. "It will make you stronger. I don't think he'll be able to take it if he lost another one of us," he added with a somber tone, reflecting on the importance of our training and unity in the face of adversity.

I smiled softly, feeling the tension ease from my lower body as I took a deep breath, the rhythmic inhales and exhales guiding my hand across the sketchbook. "We'll be headed home soon," I whispered to myself, a sense of comfort washing over me at the thought. Unable to resist, I flipped to a page featuring everyone, my gaze lingering on the faces of Gramps, Giyuu, and Sabito. A fond smile tugged at my lips as I traced the lines that captured their essence, grateful for the bonds we shared.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, its warm rays gently caressed the trees, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink. The wind whispered through the branches, causing the leaves to sway in a graceful dance. Here, in this serene setting, the leaves took on a unique red-orange hue, a stark contrast to the faint traces of the season back home. The sight stirred a sense of nostalgia within me, prompting reflections on the passage of time and my own journey through the years.

Lost in the whirlwind of my tasks, I lost track of time and neglected to consider the ramifications of remaining here. The thought crept in: do my friends miss me? Uncertainty clouded my mind regarding my family, but the bond with my friends remained vivid. Are they all right? Katlyn, Emily-do they think of me as often as I do of them? A pang of longing pierced my heart, tears welling up in my eyes as memories flooded back. I reminisced about carefree days spent running around as children, teaching them my dance moves, and sharing laughter-filled moments. And...

With tears streaming down my face, I dashed into the cover of a nearby bush, seeking solace from the overwhelming wave of emotions crashing over me. The weight of sadness bore down on me, leaving me feeling utterly wretched. Collapsing onto the soft grass, I buried my face in my knees, muffling my sobs as I surrendered to the depths of despair in silence.


I sniffled as I jolted awake, finding Gramps by my side, his gentle hand comforting me as I blinked away the lingering tears. In the eerie backdrop of the forest, a figure crumbled to ash, a grim reminder of the trials we faced. Climbing onto Gramps' back, I clung to him tightly as we navigated through the dense undergrowth. Amidst the chaos, he spoke soothing words, his voice a reassuring anchor in the tumultuous night. With each step, his calming presence steadied my nerves, diverting my attention to mundane details like plans for dinner or the beauty of the night sky. Together, we retraced our path back to safety, my fingers deftly adjusting the eyepatch as I steeled myself for the journey ahead, grateful for Gramps' unwavering support.

Marechi Blood (kny x modern/Isekai reader)Where stories live. Discover now