10 Treasured

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"Y/ n! " 




"Y/N!" I opened my eyes to see Katlyn and Emily kneeling beside me. 

"Hey! Are you okay?" I sat up in the dance studio, feeling the sore spot on my head where it had hit the wood.

"You fell and hit your head pretty bad," Emily said, her hijab slightly askew as she gently patted my head with a corner of it.

Aw, she loves me. I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing she's using the cloth though...

"I'm here!" Rajesh, the studio manager, burst into the room with a first aid kit in hand. His expression was filled with concern as he surveyed the scene.

"What do you need!!!" he exclaimed, his favorite vest adding a pop of color to the room. His white shirt sleeves were rolled up, revealing intricate tattoos that celebrated his native heritage. I couldn't help but notice the spider tattoo on his forearm, a design we both shared from the same artist.

"I'm fine now, Raj," I assured him. Everyone in the room looked at me with concern etched on their faces.

"What?" I asked, puzzled by their reaction.

"Dude! How did you hit your head so hard you learned anime talk!?" they exclaimed, their voices loud enough to make it difficult to understand the language they were speaking.

I tilted my head at them, struggling to decipher their words amidst the yelling.

" But, is she okay?"

"I'm-" I thought of the words I needed, my head was so used to Japanese it had issues of what I wanted to say, Wait, why is my mind used to Japanese? "I'm okay now. What happened?" Everyone looked at me and each other concerned but didn't push it.

"Well, Katlyn and I found a new anime to watch, and it has a dance in it," Emily said as she helped me up to my feet. Her concern was evident in her gentle touch.

"Yae, since you're the only person we know who knows how to dance, we were showing you," Katlyn said, leading me over to the benches. She pulled out her phone and started searching for a video.

"You should sit here for a bit. Don't dance, or I'll call an ambulance," Rajesh advised, handing me a bag of ice. I placed it at the back of my head.

How strange. I could have sworn this is where I hit my head in the well. The well? The image of a man with lines on his face flashed in my mind.

Katlyn pulled up the dance video, and it was surprisingly nice, serving as a good refresher. As I watched, one movement stood out as particularly challenging—the way his legs moved. That's probably how I hit my head...

Why is he familiar?

I watched the video over and over again—five times, ten times, twenty times, until I lost count. I analyzed every detail of the video, trying to perfect the challenging movement that had caused me to hit my head.

After a while, someone tapped my shoulder, snapping me out of my focused state.

"Dude, are you okay? You've been rewatching the dance for an hour and thirty minutes now," Rajesh asked, his concern evident in his tone.

Emily also looked concerned for me as I stood up, realizing how much time had passed.

"I have to do it," I declared, determination firm in my voice. Everyone exchanged concerned glances, unsure if it was a good idea.

Marechi Blood (kny x modern/Isekai reader)Where stories live. Discover now