Book 5 Chapter 23

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It was dawn when I was rudely awoken by Hermione shaking my shoulders and Del shouting.

"Hermione, I swear to god I will hex you!" The shrill shrieks of Asphodel filled the dormitory causing Hermione to let go of me and myself bury my head underneath my pillow.

"What time is it?" I yawned, squinting my eyes as Mione pulled the crimson curtains open and stayed clear of a still angry Del.

"The hour doesn't matter." Del cried dramatically. "The birds aren't even chirping yet so it's obviously to early for us to be up."

"Lower the volume, Del." I laughed. "Wouldn't want to wake the birds." With a sigh Asphodel rolled out of bed and shut herself in the bathroom.

"No but seriously, Mione." I spoke, grogginess still lacing my voice. "Why am I awake?"

"Hagrid's back!" Hermione squealed causing me to quickly jump up and scramble to get ready.

Once we were all ready we rushed down the spiral stairs to the common room to be met by two grumpy looking Gryffindor fifth years.

"Don't get me wrong, I have missed Hagrid." Ron whispered. "But couldn't he of arrived back in a couple hours so I could get my beauty sleep"

"No sleep is going to fix you Ronald." I laughed, fast walking out of the portrait hole before he could process what I had said and launch a counter attack.

"You are literally twins, Blue." Hermione chuckled causing me to glare playfully.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I giggled. "Who's side are you even on at this point?"

"Don't worry, Blue." Harry smirked. "I personally think you the much more attractive twin."

"Well that's none of your business now is it Potter?" Del said whilst wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing way. "Maybe you shouldn't of been so dramatic and stuck with dear Blue rather then throwing her away?"

This caused both Harry and I to laugh loudly whilst we walked out of the castle, looking around cautiously still for Filch or Umbridge.

"What's so funny?" Ron frowned. "I don't get it."

"Nothing." Harry and I said in unison only causing us to laugh more.

Spring had arrived at the Hogwarts' school grounds, the whomping willow bloomed with rich cherry blossoms whilst the air smelt of petals and new life. As we made our way down to Hagrid's hut, skipping over particularly unruly steps who's stones wobbled in the fleeting breeze I couldn't help but tilt my face up to the sun and let it turn my hair to fire.

With one knock on the large, oak door it swung open to reveal Hagrid beaming down at us. "About time I got a visit from my favourite students."

"You should count yourself lucky we were able to sneak down at all." I groaned. "Umbridge is holding us all captive in the castle."

"I must say I've never been her biggest fan." Hagrid replied with a grimace, ushering us into his home quickly and quietly so not to alert Umbridge.

We all squished into Hagrid's big armchairs and kitchen chairs amongst the heat of the roaring fire even though spring had already awoken and it really wasn't needed.

"So Hagrid, where have you been all these months while we've been tortured by the toad?" Ron asked, politely declining the rock cake that Hagrid was offering having learnt the hard way that they weren't edible for non-giants.

"I have been on a secret mission." He said, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "But that's all I can say."

"Oh come on!" Del cried dramatically. "Haven't we been through enough together that we've learned to build a level of trust? You can tell us Hagrid."

This caused Hagrid to laugh loudly, shaking the hut with the booms and vibrations of his deep voice. By chance or maybe by Harry's persistence and pushing past the others we had found ourselves squished close in one of Hagrid's ancient, crimson armchairs. His hand found it's way to my side, tickling me playfully causing me to squeal and slap it away.

"Everything ok there you two?" Hagrid smirked looking between Harry's cheeky smile and my burning face.

"Yes there was a spider sorry." I said softly, clearing my throat and avoiding direct eye contact. It had hardly been a few weeks and Harry and I were already failing to keep our plan on track and trick people into believing we didn't feel anything for one another anymore.

"Spider?" Ron whimpered. "Where?"

"Anyway as Del was saying." Hagrid rolled his eyes, getting us back on subject. "I will tell you about my top secret mission I was just teasing."

"Go on then Hagrid." Hermione giggled, pouring us all cups of tea from Hagrid's colossal teapot.

"Well I was sent on this mission by Dumbledore himself." He whispered. "He sent me to the mountains."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Well the caves up there are the home of the giants." Hagrid said causing us all to gasp. "And considering my heritage he thought I was the best man for the job."

Although Hagrid spoke proudly and looked happy I couldn't help but notice the cuts painting his face and the bruises tattooing his skin. "You weren't too badly hurt where you Hagrid?" I asked.

"No they're quite peaceful once you get to know them and offer them what they want."

"And what is it they wanted?" Hermione asked. "And why did Dumbledore want them?"

"Well Dumbledore believes if there is this war brewing then support from the giants will help the good side win." Hagrid replied. "And all the giants want in return are gifts to show our devotion."

"So a simple mission then." I smiled sarcastically. "And did you get what Dumbledore wanted?"

"Yes I gained the support of the giants." Hagrid grinned back. "And I got something for myself to."

"What do you mean Hagrid?" Harry asked.

"I met my brother, his names Grawp. I may of brought him back with me." Hagrid said going quieter towards the end of his bold statement.

"You what?" Del laughed.

"He may or may not be living in the forbidden forest for now." Hagrid smiled sheepishly. "I couldn't leave him you see, the other giants picked on him and he's my own flesh and blood you know?"

"They picked on him?" Ron chuckled.

"He's smaller then they are and I hated how they made fun of him." Hagrid replied. "But you can't tell anyone I brought him home with me, people see giants as violent creatures that's why they've been banished to the mountains.

"Don't worry your crazy secret is safe with us." I smiled. "It's nice that you found your brother."

We left Hagrid's hut soon after as soon as the voices of the now awake students were carried in the breeze down to us. We didn't want Hagrid to get in trouble on his first day back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2023 ⏰

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