Book 4 Chapter 16 The Article

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I started to run after Harry but a hand clasped around my wrist.

"Where are you going?" Cedric asked as he still held tightly to my wrist.

"Well Harry is upset, I was going to go and make sure he is ok." I replied quickly as I watched Harry's figure disappear into the distance.

"Why would you check if that twat was alright?" Cedric asked as I suddenly felt very guilty.

"No reason. I will stay." I replied quickly as Cedric gave me a happy smile.

Time skip

It had been a week or so since the second task. I hadn't spoken to Harry, honestly we will go from desperately trying to hide our love for each other to hating each other's guts in a matter of hours. Hours!
I had spent most my time with Cedric, laughing at our happy memories from our childhood. I had spent a lot of time with Del and Mione too.

"Rita Skeeta strikes again I see Weaslette." The annoying voice of Draco Malfoy chimed behind me. We were in line waiting outside of potions awaiting Snape's arrival.

"How do you mean Malfoy?" I asked as I turned around to face him and his goons.

"Well take a look for yourself, I guess you can't afford a copy with your father being a muggle lover and all." Malfoy laughed as he handed me a magazine.

It was already turned to a double page spread, full off pictures of me and various other people. There was a fair amount of writing also.

"Hey that's me!" Harry said from beside Ron as he snatched the magazine from my hands as his eyebrows raised.

"What is it?" I asked in a scared voice as Ron gave me a sorrowful look.

Snape swooped down like a bat before Ron could even utter out a word. He pulled the magazine out of his hands and turned to face the class.

"Well everyone, it seems that Mr Weasley and Mr Potter can not occupy them selves for more then two minutes as they have brought a magazine with them to read in between classes. It must be a good one since I always presumed Mr Weasley couldn't read so he must have learnt to read so he can read this. I will read this fascinating piece to the class shall I?" Snape sneered not even looking down to see what they were reading. His announcement sent the knowing Slytherins into fits of laughter though.

As we entered the classroom we all quickly sat down and I awaited what ever that magazine had to say.

"Bluebell Weasley- the girl who has all the champions wrapped around her fingers.

Bluebell Weasley is a bright and rather beautiful girl who holds many talents. We all know and love her, but has fame got to her little head. Or is she just an insufferable flirt?

We all know that the famous Harry Potter who rid us of  You-Know-Who had been 'dating' Bluebell Weasley since their third year at Hogwarts but had taken quite a liking to her a long while before that. 'Potter loved Weasley ever since they met in first year, they attended the sorting ceremony holding hands the day they met.' Draco Malfoy fourth year Slytherin states.

It seems though there is trouble in paradise as the happy couple sadly broke up at the start of the school year. 'They broke up because of the tournament, they had a fight about it.' Seamus Finnigan fourth year Gryffindor states.

Now broken up with Harry, Bluebell has sunk her claws into her next victim, Cedric Diggory a seventh year hufflepuff. It seems Bluebell is now into older men. According to some close friends who want to be kept unnamed, Diggory and Weasley have been friends since their early childhood and have recently rekindled their relationship. Is this just a rebound or is this love?

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