Book 3 Chapter 7 Hagrids and Hogsmead

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It had been a thew days after the quidditch match that we decided to go and talk to Hagrid. "Hurry up Blue if you are ugly then you are ugly get over it and move on!" Ron shouted from outside the bathroom I was getting ready in. "Shut up Ronald some people like to look presentable unlike you, have you even looked in a mirror this morning?" Del screeched making me giggle and open the door. I had put on a white cropped jumper and mom jeans with some heels. "No you are not leaving dressed like that, you will moan that you are cold and you can not walk to Hagrid's in those shoes!" Ron groaned looking at me with a funny expression. "Piss of Ron you can't deny it is a good outfit!" I laughed as I walked down the stairs and out of the castle. The more I walked the more I realised how difficult it was as the cold air hitting my exposed skin. It was December now and I only dressed like this to annoy Ron. "Can someone carry me I can't walk." I muttered annoyed that Ron had proved me wrong. With out even answering Harry had picked me up and was carrying me to Hagrid's. "Thanks Harry." I chirped as he placed me down on Hagrid's door step. I knocked on the door and it was opened by a crying Hagrid. "Hello..." Hagrid cried but was cut of when I threw myself at him to give him a hug. He let us in and we sat down in our usual seats. "What is wrong Hagrid?" Mione asked patting him on the shoulder. "It's Buckbeak the ministry want to kill him after what happened with Malfoy." Hagrid sobbed. "Well will they not give you a hearing?" Del asked sounding very annoyed. "They will but what use is it when I am me and I am up against a pure blood Malfoy." He cried bringing tears to my eyes. I hate to see Hagrid upset, he is the happiest person I know and to see him sob like this makes me feel like the world is a terrible place. "Don't worry Hagrid we will help you, we will read books about it and by the time you go for this hearing you will know everything you need to know in order to win this hearing." Harry said smiling at Hagrid with pity. "Just because you are not a Malfoy Hagrid doesn't mean you are below them you are worth ten of them and never let anyone tell you otherwise!" I said softly. Hagrid pulled me into a bone crushing hug. "I don't deserve to have someone like you in my life Blue, you are the nicest girl going and no one has ever said anything to me like that in all my life." Hagrid said smiling at me. "Well it is about time you heard it then because it is the truth. I said smiling back at him. Shortly after we left and headed back to the castle. As we were walking Professor Dumbledore appeared out of no where and stopped us. "Hello everyone!" He chirped smiling down at us with pride. "Hey sir!" I chirped back smiling up at him. "I just wanted to say Blue that what you said to Hagrid today was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard and I couldn't be prouder of you." Dumbledore grinned. "Thanks sir I only told him the truth but how did you here?" I questioned innocently already knowing what he was going to say. "I know all, anyway all of you have a nice day and never change what ever you do because I couldn't be prouder then I am right now to say I am your Headmaster!" Dumbledore practically shouted as he directed his goodbyes to me. "Bye sir!" We all sang back as we carried on walking.

It was the day of the Hogsmead trip and I was so excited. I was wearing a black denim skirt with tights and boots and a creme knitted jumper tucked in. Me, Mione, Del and Ron were going but Harry and Ginny couldn't go since Ginny was too young and Harry didn't get his permission form signed. I walked out of the bathroom since I was the one who takes the longest. Ron rolled his eyes but didn't say anything and Del and Mione wore the same excited expression I was wearing. "Hogsmead awaits!" I shouted dramatically making the girls giggle and Ron groan. We swiftly walked out of the castle but when I got there I saw Harry slumped sadly against the wall in the courtyard. I walked over to him and sat down. "I don't have to go you know I could stay here with you and we could sneak into the kitchens and eat ice cream?" I offered gripping his hand that was really cold. He looked up at me with a smile but not a particularly happy one. "No you go I don't want you missing out because of me and you have been so excited for weeks." Harry said softly. "Are you sure?" I asked hesitantly. "Yes now go before you miss your chance and the others leave without you!" Harry ushered as we both stood up. He leaned in then kissed me until Ron made his presence aware. "Harry please refrain from kissing my twin in front of me it is not something I want to see." Ron practically shouted making everyone look at us. I blushed furiously and then started to laugh when Harry did too. "Bye Harry!" I said still laughing a bit. Ron grabbed my hand ruffly and pulled me away.

We walked into Honeyduckes and began to look around. I put a dozen chocolate frogs in my basket and some liquorish wands too. I felt someone tug my hair and looked around but there was no one there. "It's me I snook out." Harry whispered quietly but with a lot of confidence. "Invisibility cloak." I muttered. "Do you want anything." I said normally making the people around me stare. "No it's ok I will just nick some of Ron's stuff when he isn't looking." Harry whispered making me laugh which earned me even more stares from people.

I payed for my things and we walked out of the shop. I left everyone else but Harry in there and we walked down to the shrieking shack. I heard someone approach us so I turned around. It was Seamus Finnigan running down to me. "Hey Blue can I ask you something?" He panted. "Umm sure." I said apprehensively wondering why he would want to talk to me of all people. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" He said cockily making me thrown. "You are aware that I am dating Harry aren't you?" I asked very confused as to why he would stab his own dorm mate in the back like that. "Well he is not here is he." Seamus smirked winking at me which only made me feel sick. "I would not like to go on a date with you Seamus I am very sorry but you seem like a complete and utter dick who I don't want to associate myself with and I am very much in love with Harry Potter, goodbye!" I shouted about to leave but he grabbed my hand. "How dare you after someone like a Weasley was asked out by me that you insult me in such a way." He shouted looking very angry. "Get your filthy hands off of me before I hurt you!" I shouted trying to brake free from his grasp but he wouldn't let go. "No I don't think I will!" He laughed evilly so I sent a fireball directly at him but it missed. He stopped holding on to me as I made it so he couldn't breath. "Don't mess with me Finnigan because you obviously don't know what I am capable off!" I shouted letting him breathe again and leaving him panting in the snow.

"Are you ok that was bloody brilliant!" Harry said making me laugh. We carried on walking back to the centre of Hogsmead where we met back up with Ron, Mione and Del. "Hello!" I chirped standing beside them. "What would bring Sirius Black here?" I heard the loud voice of Madam Rosmerta ask. Fudge whispered something that I couldn't here. "Harry Potter!" She shrieked as Fudge tried to shush her. They walked into the three broomsticks with Professor Mcgnagall behind them. Before I could stop him Harry was following them in hidden by his invisibility cloak. We tried to follow him but were now allowed in.

Harry's POV

I followed them past the private sign and up the stairs into the staff only section. "So tell me what is happening then?" Madam Rosmerta pleaded. "Well do you remember years ago when Lily and James Potter were marked for death so they went into hiding, few knew were they were but one who did was Sirius Black." Mcgnagall gossiped watching Madam Rosmerta cling to her every word. "Not only did he kill off the Potters that night he also killed his friend Peter Petigrew all that was left was a finger." Fudge said with disgust on his face. "That is awful!" Madam Rosmerta shrieked as her eyes glossed over. "That is not even the worst part my dear." Fudge groaned. "What could be worse then someone killing three of his best friends?" Madam Rosmerta asked taking a gulp of her fire whiskey. "Black obviously wants to finish the job he started and kill poor Harry but Black was and remains to this day Harry Potter's god farther!" Mcgnagall cried. I left after that as tears came to my eyes, I ran out and into the forest ignoring Blue's cries.

Bluebell's POV

Harry ran out of the three broomsticks very quickly with a haunted expression plastered on his face. "Harry!" I yelled but he didn't answer and just kept running. We ran after him into the forest and followed his footprints in the snow. We came to a clearing that had a rock in the centre. Harry was sat on it with his head in his hands sobbing. I had never seen him like this and he looked terrible. "He hasn't been this upset since we all thought Blue was going to die." Ron whispered to Mione. I slowly approached him and knelt down in the snow beside him. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. "He was there friend." He muttered looking at me with so much pain in his eyes. "He was there friend!" He shouted but not at me. "And he killed them, I hope he finds me because when he those I will kill him!" He shouted but slowly lowered his voice and started to sob again. I quickly pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek as he sobbed on my shoulder. I can't believe that was how the great Lily and James Potter died, at the hands of their best friend.

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