Book 5 Chapter 6 Umbridge and Fire

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I got the weirdest feeling when Harry said those four words. It used to excite me and I would spend ages in a morning getting ready so he had an excuse to say it. But I didn't feel the love and happiness I used to. I didn't feel sad or annoyed either. I just felt numb.

"Thank you Harry." I smiled as we exited through the portrait hall.

"Do you know who we have today?" Ron grumbled staying as close to Mione as possible. He was smitten.

"Umbridge." Mione sighed.

"You know she was at my hearing, she didn't seem to like me to much." Harry said as we sat down at the Gryffindor table.

"What hearing?" I asked feeling like I had been living under a rock, which I more or less had.

"It was when you were still passed out, I used magic outside of school when I went to visit the Dursley's. There were dementors so I had to do something but the Ministry didn't believe me so they tried to expel me from Hogwarts. Dumbledore put a stop to it though." Harry said as we dug into our breakfast.

"Why the hell did you go to visit the Dursley's?" I asked.

"I just told you I got attacked by dementors, I could of died! And you ask me why I went to visit the Dursley's." Harry laughed making me playfully scowl at him.

"Well you are constantly getting yourself into shit Harry. At this point it isn't out of the ordinary. I just wondered what made you think, oh I'm going to go and visit the fuckers who abused me for years and kept me locked in a cupboard." I replied only making him laugh more.

"I got a letter from them saying they wished to see me. When I got there they were out and instead I was attacked by the dementors. I'm not surprised though, it must of been a set up from someone who either wants me dead or just expelled. After all it isn't really like my dear uncle Vernon to send me a letter via owl." Harry said making me gasp.

"You were set up!" I said loudly making everyone chuckle.

"Well never!" Fred and George said in unison.

"I must be honest though Harry, it was a kinda stupid idea to even accept their invitation." Del smirked.


We all took our seats in defence against the dark arts after breakfast. Ron and Harry sat in front of me and Del. Mione sat by herself so she could focus without us annoying her.

Everyone was smiling and laughing, bewitching paper birds to fly around the room, landing playfully on peoples noses and sending messages between one another.

But all of a sudden the paper bird was scorched and lifeless, falling down at Mione's desk gracefully which only made her scowl at the distraction from her studies. After all we do have our O.W.L's this year.

Our faces turned to the front where the pink woman was clearing her throat and smiling at us. If it was possible it looked like she was wearing even more pink accessories. I'm surprised she could even walk with the amount of pink cardigans that rested on her plump body.

"Hello class! I'm your new Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor!" She squealed like a little girl always adding a little giggle at the end of each sentence.

What I would give to be able to punch her!

"My name is Professor Umbridge and as I said yesterday, I already know we are going to be the best of friends!" She giggled again.

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