Chapter four

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"I... I don't know what to say," Raven replied.

"How about yes?" Felix said, jokingly. Raven's eyes started tearing up and ran off. Pan walked into the hut to see Raven shaking and mumbling. He sat the flowers down on her desk then he sat next to her. She started to shake even more so he pulled her close and put a sleeping spell on her before she lost control of her powers. She was crying harder after she was put to sleep. So, Pan decided to see what was wrong in her dream. He put his hand on her forehead and closed his eyes next thing he knows he's in the Mockingjay battle with Raven and birth mom, Katniss Everdeen. Katniss and Raven pulled back their arrows to fire it at Snow, but they pointed it at President Alma Coin. Once they let go of the bow string the arrows flew towards the President and there was no going back now. Alma fell to the ground.

The crowd went wild. "KILL THEM!!" One person from the crowd said. Peetah tried to grab Katniss and Raven to hide them, but he was too late, the furious crowd got to them first. Raven woke up next to her mom in a jail cell or what looked like one. The door opened. SQUEAKKK! Heymich walked in. He pulled Katniss aside to give her some type of note. 

Raven really didn't care until she felt a tap on her shoulder. Next thing she knew someone's hand was over her mouth to keep her quiet while she was being dragged out to a plane in cuffs. She woke up in a lab. She was experimented on for years and years until the avengers saved her. Apparently, she was at one of hydra's laboratories. She was put into a foster system. For a few months it was going great until her foster parents got greedy and started abusing her. One day Raven snapped and used her powers she never knew she had before. She killed her first foster accident. Then it felt like she was at the hunger games all over again until her fifth foster home, the avengers tower. Pan decided he's had enough. He took his hand off her head and opened his eyes, that's when she woke up.

"If you feel like you're going to have a PTSD attack let me know...ok?" Pan said, so gently. She nodded while one single tear went down her face. He pulled her into a hug when Wendy walked in.

"Who is she." Wendy said, furiously. Pan looked up at Wendy like she was crazy. "I'm his girlfriend, now who are you?" Raven responded to Wendy with, trying to match her energy. Wendy scoffed and walked off. Raven turned to peter.

"For real though, who is she?" She said, kinda laughing. "That's my ex..." He said, looking down. Raven pulled him into a hug reassuring him that it's ok.

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