The Fall of Beacon

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I'm so sorry this chapter took ages to get done! I've just been having so much writer's block with it and wanted to write my other story. I really hate writers block, but Im happy to finally finished this chapter.


It was now night time, Team RWBY, JNPR, as well as Rogue, Frosch, and Lucy went back to Beacon. Vic didn't head to beacon just yet, he had to do something, he currently stood in front of the cave that Acnologia called home.

Vic walked in the cave, he knew what this was about, Acnologia saw the memory of him meeting the brother gods. Vic kept walking until he stood in front of Acnologia, he sat on his chair, the chair that had gifts that Vic had given him to make it look better.

Acnologia had both of his eyes closed as he leaned on the armrest of the chair, his hand was a fist, as he put his head on it.

Acnologia's eyes opened, he disappeared and reappeared in front of Vic with his fist raised. Vic quickly brought up his own fist, their attacks connected as a strong shockwave was formed from it. Both stood staring at each other as they kept pushing each other back with their fist.

Acnologia grinned as he overpowered Vic slowly, then fully, sending him sliding back. Vic didn't fall over, but watched as Acnologia opened his palm towards him, as a blue aura surrounded his palm, and formed a blue ball which launched at Vic.

Vic quickly dodged it but more came as Acnologia launched an onslaught of them towards him. Vic rushed forward towards Acnologia, barely dodging the onslaught of spells that was launched at him. Vic closed the distance in little time as he brought up his fist, but just as he was getting close to hitting Acnologia, he was hit directly in the chest causing him to get sent backwards, and roll across the rough cave floor.

Vic quickly got up leaping to his feet, but as soon as he did he found Acnologia standing in front of him with his fist pulled back as a blue aura surrounded him. Vic quickly brought both his hands up, in a cross pattern to block Acnologia which came just as he did.

Vic felt the force behind Acnologia's punch as he kept holding his ground, he slowly slid back as he tried to hold his ground. The aura around Acnologia kept growing and growing as Vic was pushed further and further back.

Vic saw Acnologia's grin change into a amusing smile as he stopped putting force into his punch pulling it back a bit as the aura vanished completely, causing Vic to fall forward, though the ground came much faster as he felt Acnologia punch him right in the back of the head sending him into the ground causing him to leave a Vic shaped dent in it.

Acnologia looked down at Vic as he unstuck himself from the ground, and slowly stood back up. Vic and Acnologia stared at each other, both expressions didn't say anything.

Acnologia brought up his fist, whacking Vic over the head with it.

"I deserved that one.." Vic mumbled as Acnologia nodded.

"You an idiot, you know that? Not telling me of what transpired between you and the Brother Gods?!" Acnologia told Vic, who went to speak but Acnologia whacked him over the head again. "You should have told me right away, I knew something was off when you started using a Secret Art out of nowhere, but I brushed it aside, thinking it was you being battle hungry and wanting to show off like it usually is." Acnologia said to Vic, who went to talk yet again but Acnologia whacked him again causing him to get sent into the floor back into the Vic shaped dent. "It makes sense when I think back, ever since that day you wanted to increase your training so you'd get stronger faster." Acnologia said aloud as he thought back.

Vic slowly stood up but was again stopped as Acnologia kicked him into the wall causing Vic to leave another him shaped one there, it lined up with the rest that lined the walls of Acnologia's cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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