16. Why did the Chicken...

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'Jorah the Andal." Grey Worm said.

"Torgo Nudho." Jorah answered.

"You should not be here."

"No, but he is." Daario agreed.

"Our queen ordered him exiled from the city." Grey Worm said angrily.

"Our queen would be dead if not for him." Daario shot back.

'I pardoned him.' Oceana reminded grey.

'You can't do that.' Grey told her.

'ha, ha. I do what I want.' Oceana corrected. "I was khalessi long before danaerys was."

"It's true. And I would be dead if not for the..." Missandei glanced at Tyrion. "Little man."

"Dwarf." Tyrion corrected to them in his broken Valyrian. "I believe that's the word. Apologies. My Valyrian is a bit 'nostril'."

"A bit 'rusty.'" She corrected him, Tyrion nodding when hearing the mistake himself, repeating the word before thanking missandei.  Grey Worm apologized for his absence, Daario only brushing it off as if it was nothing. Jorah didn't take things so lightly though.

"The longer we sit here bantering, the longer Daenerys is out there in the wilderness." Jorah reminded them.

"She has a dragon. She is fine." Oceana assured.

"He's right." Tyrion agreed, "The dragon headed north. If we're going to find her, that's where we're to go." "

"We"? You are a Lannister. The Queen intends to remove your family from power."

"And I intend to help her do it." Tyrion said pointedly.

  "You've been here for how many days now?" Jorah shot back. "I've fought for her for years. Since she was little more than a child."

"You betrayed her!" Tyrion reminded him and you could see Jorah's face harden,

"Careful now." He warned, but Tyrion didn't stop. He wanted to prove his point, why he was useful here, why the queen wanted him here

"And she exiled you, twice, I believe?" Tyrion said hotly.

"Tyrion shut up." Oceana begged.

"Shut up!" San agreed.

  "The second time thanks to you." Jorah pointing out angrily.

"Don't blame me for your crimes, Mormont!"

'That chick exiled Jorah." Oceana agreed "But Jorah's right too. He saved her life, our lives."

"Perhaps she feels differently about him now," Daario added in.

"Maybe not. The only way we'll know is if we ask her." 

"Fine, fine." Tyrion agreed, "I suppose he can join us. Just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep."  Jorah raised a brow.

"If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open."

"Men." Oceana muttered.

'You would help us here in Meeren, though." Daario turned his towards Missandei and Grey, "None of us have any experience governing a city, except for him. You want to prove your value to the queen? Prove it right here in Meereen." He told Tyrion.  Jorah hesitated at this.

"He's a foreign dwarf that barely speaks the language. Why would the Meereenese listen to him?" jorah asked.

"They wouldn't." Daario told truthfully. "They will listen to Grey Worm."

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