4: To love is to trust, to trust is to believe

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  The journey back to Coruscant was incredibly silent, no one said a word. I was thankful Anakin had saved us, but I was angry and disappointed. Why would he behave like this? It's unfair. I looked out the window the whole time, not even caring to be a proper co-pilot, I just sat there and looked at the blue clouds of hyperspace, as I like to call them.

  When we arrived, the sun was shining above Coruscant. When Skywalker landed the ship at the Senate, I was the first one to stand up. When I walked past R2, I patted his head softly, making him beep cheerfully. As we approached the entrance of the building, I spotted someone who looked at me with a strong and cold glance.

"Master Yoda." I said and looked at my feet.

"We weren't expecting such a formal welcome, Master." Said Anakin.

"A personal request of the Chancellor's, my escorting you was, Senator." He said and I gulped. Usually he knows when I'm going on missions like this one. However, this time I didn't even ask for permission. I understood if the old man's mad, but I was glad he's keeping up my undercover identity...unlike others. "Adventures have you had on Scipio, hm?"

"Indeed, Master Jedi. Have you met Rush Clovis?" I spoke gently and they looked at each other.

"Met, we have, yes. Intrigued we are, by your return to Coruscant. Much distrust is focused upon you." Yoda told Clovis and Anakin scoffed in a whisper while I tightened my grip around my wrist.

"I understand." Said Clovis. "But I hope to right the wrongs that I have done."

"Delay we must not." The Senate Comandos moved aside and we all walked into the building. Once there, I said I had to go to 'my office' quickly. They stood at a considerable distance from the door and I stepped in to find the real Padmé with a healed Dormé chilling at the living room.

  "Oh, Allana." My sister stood up and rushed to me with open arms. "I was so worried." She said as she hugged me tightly, adding too much pressure on the shoulder wound making me squeeze my eyes shut. I hugged her back, not as tightly because of how tired I was.

"I'm okay. Being in jail isn't as fun as I thought it could be." I said jokingly.

"I'm so sorry." I shook my head.

"Don't be, it's alright." I sighed. "I need to get changed. Do you have a dress here?"

"What? No, you're done. I'll continue."

"You can't. What I saw after you left, the conclusions I've reached, they're not something you know and I can't brief you in fast. There's a meeting with Palpatine right now, they're waiting outside for me."

"The Council's here."

"I know, Yoda was our welcoming party."

"Does he know about what happened?"

"Partially, yes, and he's not happy. I can't imagine the rest are. I need to get up there, do you have a dress?"

"I do. Dormé, if you please." Dormé rushed to get a dress of a darker purple. She undo the bun and braided my hair to tie the braids into a ponytail adding an ornament with amethysts on it over my head, like a thick diadem. She fixed the make up and I looked like Padmé Amidala again.

"I hope Palpatine doesn't notice the difference." I said and Padmé nodded with a soft smile.

"I'll go as your company maid. And, by the way, your lightsabers are safe on the desk's drawer."

"How are they safe there?"

"It's locked with a special key." I smiled at her as she put on a light purple dress and threw over her head the hood of a greyish lilac robe.

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