Chapter 4- The Infiltration

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King Vran heard news of the weakness of the rest of the world. His reign extended to the central areas of northern Tortu, but he would quickly expand and occupy the northwest and central areas of Tortu, which was previously controlled by Pedon and Tardash. Within the matter of a few days, these people accepted Vran as their new ruler. But Vran wouldn't stop there.

He thought very hard about his next move. He didn't want to lose his entire army and fall the way Pedon and Tardash did. The information he was given cites that Gerak had a small army made up entirely of mages, so he felt a little foolish to send any men to the well protected castle in which was the Gerak stronghold. But he knew Frithe would be left totally defenseless.

It took three days to get to Frithe from Tortu. But he didn't want to commit his entire army, and he knew the Frithe army would regenerate if he waited too long.

Vran sent one hundred of his finest soldiers to try to take over Frithe. He felt this would efficiently suffice for the weakened state of Frithe. They now only had a handful of knights protecting them in the most pathetic excuse for a castle of all the regions. He wouldn't go himself, for he had more plans with his men.

It was common knowledge that King Vran had the smallest army, so he anticipated an attack by one of the southern kings, but it never came.

The southern kings still had yet to hear the news. They didn't even know Gerak forces came to Tortu to fight a battle. But news would eventually reach them a few weeks later.

The southern kings weren't as bold as Vran. They didn't need to dominate all of the planet. But they were curious as to how this would affect them.

Each of them had about five thousand men in their army, but it was more a safety precaution than anything else. They heard false news. The story that was being told was that King Vran overtook Pedon and Tardash. They knew nothing of Frithe or Gerak. But they were a bit curious. They wondered how Vran could overpower the forces of Tardash and Pedon. They refused to be offensive, however. They would not send an attack, but they would defend their land and people.

While Vran was planning a small attack on Frithe, George managed to recruit five hundred men for his army. They had no training, so they weren't worth as much as a trained fighter, but he had men patrolling the castle now.

George closed the ports of his city, which meant nothing was entering or leaving Frithe. This crippled the economy, but that played in George's favor. The poor became poorer, which forced more to join the army for ten silver pieces. But the ship Vran sent had finally arrived.

King Vran's ship was turned away. They would not easily make port near the castle. They tried other ports, but all of the ports were blockaded. The ship housing Vran's men was not a military ship, so flags were not raised, but Vran's captain decided to make port on an abandoned beach.

They would have to walk very far, but the element of surprise was in their favor. Unlike the cruel king of Frithe, Vran didn't want his men to kill civilians. He only wanted them to kill the king, his sons, and anyone who tried to protect them.

Captain Quez Waldren marched his small militia to the capital. Vran was clever for another reason. His men did not wear his crest on their chest. No one knew they were soldiers. The only thing giving them away was the fact they were a large number of men carrying weapons.

Once they got closer to the capital, Captain Quez ordered his troops to break into groups of three and approach the castle cautiously. They did as he suggested. They were ordered to attack when the battle horn was sounded by Quez and his group.

Quez was the first into the castle. Nothing about three men entering a castle seemed suspicious, so they were easily able to make it into the castle. Dozens of knights were pacing the first floor, which told the captain the king was near.

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