Chapter 12- The Recruitment

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King Vran found an uphill battle recruiting for the army now. With dozens of Frizians striking fear of sorcery into the hearts of the Gerak citizens, the Gerak people were starting to feel scared of mages. They were buying into the testimonies of the Frizians planted in Gerak by King Jax. And many of them were starting to form their own opinions.

The radicals wanted the magical army dead, and they were attacking the magical police which restored peace in Gerak society. Mages no longer felt safe to roam around, so they stopped creating magic in front of civilians. And the cycle resulted in more death from disease.

Vran took it upon himself to kill the people who were drawing large crowds and speaking against magic. But there were dozens of them, and they were all over Gerak. Their word of Akil's murder quickly spread, and the Gerak population who was already skeptical of magic was now beginning to feel as if sorcerers were the true enemy.

Some radicals wanted to help King Jax in any way they could, so they sought out his military captains who Jax cleverly placed in Gerak to recruit more men. Having figured people would join him, Jax sent a few war ships to various different port cities in Gerak so the people who wished to join him could return to Frithe with the army,

In order to maintain a higher understanding of what sorcerers truly wanted, Vran was trying his best to get sorcerers to remain in public and continue helping citizens in need. But after sorcerers were being publicly killed by radicals, most of the sorcerers returned to the safety of the castle, where they were not persecuted like criminals.

The sorcerer who murdered Jax's little brother played a huge part in the fear created by Jax. His name was Amorcel Wintershade, and Jax decided to put him on his permanent payroll. Amorcel was now traveling through Gerak creating dark magic, and he was paid handsomely to become a public enemy.

Vran was trying to conceal the fact he was silencing the voices of the men and women sent by Jax to instill fear. He knew he couldn't kill them in public, or the citizens would never join the Gerak army. He had to kill them before more people heard them speak, but they were all over the place.

Bidi was away while all of this was happening. While she was trying to find ways to create advantages without having the numbers, Jax's rabble rousers were destroying the fabrics of society in Gerak.

Bidi and Faro put their hoods up as they trekked in the forest to get to their ship. They felt like they were being watched, and they were. But they weren't in danger. The cronings were watching them trek through the forest. Cronings were sprite-like creatures of high intellect. They were very curious creatures, but they never got involved in the affairs of men.

The cronings crept along the brushes, hardly creating any noise, and they followed Bidi and Faro until they made it out of the forest.

The eversun would soon come up, and they still had dozens of miles to get back to their ship. They had hardly slept since being in Frithe, and they were both exhausted. Avoiding the cities, they used the streets to easily travel to the coast.

The major problem with being famous was that everyone knew who they were. And most people knew of the huge bounty on Faro's head.

They trekked the beach until the eversun came up. There were a few people on the beach watching the eversunrise. They were wearing bathing suits, so it probably was suspicious that Bidi and Faro were in full garb.

Bidi and Faro picked up their walking speed to get past the people. They weren't safe around anyone. They were probably made more paranoid by the fact they've hardly slept in five days. But they were justified.

One of the people on the beach noticed they were acting suspicious and followed them. They made it to a port city about thirty minutes later, but the curious swimmer was still following them. They stood out in the crowd, despite not being overly tall. Most of the people in the port city were wearing bathing suits or at least short sleeved shirts.

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