Chapter 11- Mass Panic

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A strange turn occurred in the war, it seemingly was put on hold. Jax worked tirelessly to spread fear of sorcery throughout all regions. He used the murder of his brother as a stepping stool for the promotion of hatred. He was no longer attempting to expand his army. Half of the Frizian population was now in his army, and recruiting was at a standstill. He was getting no more than a few new recruits each week, so he shifted his focus.

Jax sent witnesses of the murder to Gerak to spread the word. He paid them handsomely for their testimony, and they just had to tell their version of the truth. He didn't pick just anyone to go, though. He carefully selected the most eloquent and dramatic speakers. Under the impression they could create a rift in Gerak, he congratulated himself for such a good plan.

These past couple of months were very busy for the new king. He was hardly giving any attention to his wife or children. They understood he had an important role that demanded a lot of his time, but he took a day off to be with them. He felt they were slowly forgetting he loved them.

Jax postponed all of his meetings for the day, and he woke up early to surprise his wife with one of her favorite meals. She woke up to the smell of fresh vanilla pressed coffee and her favorite powdered donuts. Jax was waiting for her to wake up, and when she did and saw him in the bed, her lips curled into a smile. "What are you still doing here?" She sleepily yawned.

"Get dressed," he commanded.

"I usually just lay in bed for a few hours after I wake up," she said as she sat up and took a sip of the coffee.

"I'm taking the family to the lake," he suggested.

"But what if your duties?" She asked.

"I deserve a day off to relax," he said with pride.

"The kids are going to love this," she said as she got up and picked an outfit. He kissed her neck and rubbed her stomach to feel his child churning inside.

"The kids can swim in the lake. That's the lake I learned to swim in," he told her.

"I hate that we haven't been able to do anything as a family in so long. The kids miss you. Fika doesn't understand why you don't have time anymore."

"Fika is young. He will understand one day," Jax replied as he let go off her bulging belly and packed his bathing suit and fishing rod.

"He will, but it's a rough time for him. All he sees is that his dad is rarely available. You leave before he wakes up, and you don't get back until after he's asleep. He doesn't see you at all. He's just confused."

"Fika has many male figures in his life. He can learn from them in my absence," Jax said as he sat down on the edge of the bed and watched his wife get dressed.

"Everyone needs their father in their life," Gaia replied.

"What do you suggest I do? Step down?" Jax asked.

"No!" She exclaimed. "Fika will have to adapt to your schedule. I know you are working tirelessly. You are giving this region your all."

"I will have a huge legacy to live up to. I almost feel bad for Dresh. He will be king one day, and he will have my legacy to live up to."

"Dresh will be fine. He is a wise boy, but for now, he is only seven. He has much to learn," Gaia said as she put on a thin Victorian dress. She also packed her bathing suit, but she didn't anticipate getting in the water. She was eight months pregnant and could barely walk. Her belly had never grown so big for a child, and this was her fourth pregnancy.

"I'm going to go wake up the kids," Jax informed, "meet me at the carriage."

Jax left the room and woke up his three children and helped Fika get dressed. Fika was very fussy. He wasn't used to his dad dressing him. His mom usually dressed him, and he was a creature of routine. Struggling to get Fika to calm down, Jax's patience was tested, but he refused to show his anger to his children.

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