Chapter 23- The Final Battle

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While Bidi was sailing to Frithe, Jax thought it would be clever to have the last battle in Gerak, so his troops were sailing East. He was left almost defenseless, with only his royal guard remaining at his castle. This gave Bidi a huge advantage.

She knew what port to set sail for, and soon, they were at the port closest to the castle. Marching towards the castle, they expected to be met with opposition, but they never were. While they were not being loud, they were not trying to be stealthy, but they got to the castle without a single spar.

It was too easy. No one was standing guard at the front door. Bidi searched through the castle. She thought it was abandoned. Then she saw a royal guard. Her men quickly attacked him, he stood no chance. Jax's poor strategy would result in his death. But they had to find him first.

They searched the entire castle and only found three royal guard members. Was he hiding? Did he know they were coming? Was he at the other castle?

Jax was enjoying a day with his family at the lake near the castle. He would see the masses of enemy troops standing outside the castle and go into hiding with his royal army there to protect him.

Having even searched the other castle, she still couldn't find Jax. Jax wasn't a coward, but he knew his fifty men couldn't defeat the entirety of his sister's army. He would take his family and escape to the port city where he would take a ship and convene with his army.

Bidi was searching for the last battle. She was prepared to die for her cause. She just wanted this affair to be over. Asking around, no one knew where the king was. Bidi was frustrated. They could spend a very long time just searching for each other.

While Bidi was in Frithe, she decided to kill all of her brothers. None of them lived at the castle, but she could ask around and find them in their homes.

Easily killing her brothers, she finally settled and returned home. Something told her to go to the port she got the warships from. She had a gut feeling to sail there. And sure enough, she could see his army from the port.

Both Jax and Bidi sighed a huge sigh of relief. They both knew— either way— one of them would be returning home victorious. Jax waited in the field for Bidi and her archers to approach them. Bidi lined up her troops and have a war cry, then she unsheathed her sword and sprinted at the line of warriors waiting for the battle to commence.

Bidi's men followed her bravely. They were struck by some arrows. But they were in range for magic quickly after Jax's archers released a volley. Jax had a slight numerical advantage, but Bidi had hundreds of sorcerers trained to kill.

Shields were splintered as her men plowed through the shield wall. Bidi had only one spell in mind— she was going straight for the kill. She was forced to fend off attacks with her sword, though. While she ran in the front of her army, Jax remained in the back of his. He watched as his men were quickly destroyed with magic. His archers were standing behind doing nothing. They were just watching the army in front of them fold.

Bidi's forces were overpowering the Frizians. Fear could be seen in their eyes. The wizards were the difference makers. They stood slightly behind the warriors and casted spell after spell at the men who were fighting the Gerak warriors. It was like an assembly line.

Jax was getting battered. He had no choice; he yelled, "retreat! Retreat to the warship!"

But Bidi refused to have this war drug on. She chased the Frizians down and stopped them from boarding their ship. Jax now had a little over a thousand troops left, and Bidi maybe had twelve hundred. Some of Bidi's warriors followed her and cut the Frizians off from their warship.

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