Chapter 9

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Kara has now been in her bedroom with Lori for about 30 minutes, and Alex is still sitting out in the living room waiting for her sister to return. Alex does kind of guess what has probably happened, but just to check, she stands up from the couch in the living room, and walks into Kara's bedroom. That is when she is greeted by the very nice sight of Kara and Lori both being fast asleep, under the covers, with Kara's arms wrapped around Lori, almost in a protective fashion, while Lori rests her head on Kara's chest. Alex is happy that Kara has bonded with Lori so much, as even she will admit, despite the fact that when Lena Luthor came to National City Alex had some doubts about her, she has no doubts that Lena Luthor has raised a lovely young girl. So, Alex simply looks at this sight of Kara and Lori sleeping for a few moments, before she turns around and heads back into the living room of Kara's apartment to gather her things.

Over the next few minutes Alex makes sure to clear everything away, including washing the dishes that they ate their dinner on, before she grabs her stuff and leaves Kara's apartment for the evening. Alex then takes the elevator down to Kara's lobby, and a few moments later, she walks out of the building, but just as she does, Alex sees Lena Luthor walking towards the building's entrance.

"Lena!" Alex calls out.

Lena slightly jumps in surprise at Alex calling out to her like that, clearly either not recognising Alex, or just not seeing her.

"Uhhh..... can I help you?" Lena asks Alex, in a confused voice, as she walks towards Alex, who happens to be in the direction of the front door to Kara's apartment.

"I'm Alex Danvers, we met...." Alex begins.

"Right." Lena says, cutting Alex off, "Sorry, I just didn't recognise you as it's pretty dark."

"Yeah, okay." Alex nods, "Well, Kara and Lori are both fast asleep now."

"Oh, really? I thought maybe Lori would be up?" Lena says.

"No." Alex says, "She was falling asleep as we were finishing watching a movie together, so Kara convinced her to go to bed but she had to lay there with Lori while she fell asleep. They both ended up falling asleep together."

"Oh, okay." Lena says, "Well, Kara told me that she was going to leave a key to her apartment under her mat?"

Alex chuckles at Lena saying that, with Lena giving her a confused look.

"Sorry. I'm laughing because Kara doesn't have a front door mat." Alex says, with a smile.

"Oh I uhh...." Lena says, now slightly concerned she won't be able to get into Kara's apartment.

"Here. Take my key." Alex says, as she grabs her key chain from her bag, and begins to remove Kara's spare apartment key from it.

"Oh, you don't have to...." Lena begins.

"How are you going to get in otherwise?" Alex says, cutting Lena off, as she hands the key to Lena.

"Thank you." Lena says.

"You're welcome." Alex smiles, "I don't know if you are planning to wake Lori up and head home, or if you are going to stay at Kara's, but if you are, Kara's couch is really comfortable, and in her cabinet to the left of her tv you'll find a few spare pillows and some blankets to make yourself cosy."

"Oh, yes, I might do just that." Lena says, "Waking Lori up in the middle of the night has never worked out well for me."

"Okay." Alex smiles, "Well, have a good night. And I have to say, you have a lovely young girl, Lena. She was a treat to be around. I truly mean that."

"Thank you." Lena smiles.

"Alright." Alex nods.

Alex then begins walking away and Lena walks towards Kara's apartment building, which she soon steps inside, and makes her way up to Kara's apartment door.

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