Chapter 23

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Kara, Eliza, Lena and Lori are now still all in Lena's car, heading back to National City after their day of fun at the petting zoo. Lori, for her part, clearly had an absolutely incredibly time, and is currently completely zonked out in the back of the car, and she looks absolutely adorable. As Lena looks at Lori in the rearview mirror, she thinks about how much fun Lori had, and she knows Lori is going to be constantly asking to go see the animals again. Lena is just glad that she and Lori got to spend the day with both Kara and Eliza, because she thinks the two Danvers being there with her and Lori really enhanced the entire experience.

"Do you want me to drop you both off?" Lena asks, as they approach National City itself.

"Uhh.... it's up to you." Kara says, with a bit of a shrug, "You can drop us off if you like.... or..... we can all have dinner together or something.... and Eliza and I can get a taxi home, or walk?"

After Kara makes this suggestion, Lena glances back in the rearview mirror, and looks at the sleeping Lori. That is when Lena thinks that if she does drop Eliza and Kara off now, Lori will likely not be awake to say goodbye to the two of them, and might be upset because of it. So, it might actually be a good idea for Kara and Eliza to have dinner with them. Plus, this way Lena actually gets to spend a little more time with Kara, which she doesn't mind one bit whatsoever.

"Yes. Okay. I like the sound of that." Lena smiles, "Is that okay with you, Eliza?"

"Of course it is, dear." Eliza replies, "I would love to spend more time with you and Lori."

"Okay then." Lena nods, with a smile.

Lena then continues to drive, and as she does, Kara reaches over and just gives one of Lena's arms a squeeze, giving the brunette a bit of a loving gesture.

Kara, Lena, Eliza and Lori all arrive back at Lena and Lori's penthouse about 40 minutes later. Lori, for her part, is awake now, but it's the sort of awake state a child is in for about 10 – 15 minutes after they wake up from a nap. So, essentially, Lori is pretty much half asleep, and maybe a bit grumpy. Therefore, getting Lori out of the car itself was a bit of an issue for Lena, as the 3-year-old very much did not want Lena to pick her up out of the car seat. Then, even when Kara stepped in, and suggested to Lori that she would be the one to pick her up, and carry her upstairs to the penthouse, Lori refused. It wasn't until Eliza stepped forward, and asked Lori if she could carry her, that the 3-year-old said yes basically right away. This led to the cute moment of Eliza picking Lori up, and holding her close to her chest, with the 3-year-old resting her head on one of Eliza's shoulders, while the group made their way upstairs to Lena's penthouse, with them mostly getting there directly through an elevator leading from the private parking area Lena has, all the way up to Lena and Lori's penthouse itself.

"Where should I put her, Lena?" Eliza asks, while still holding Lori, after having just walked through the front door of the penthouse itself.

"Just put her down on the couch over there." Lena says, "If we put her on her bed she'd be asleep within 5 minutes, then not sleep all night."

"Okay." Eliza smiles.

Eliza then does exactly as Lena says, and places Lori on the couch, with the Danvers matriarch deciding to sit down next to Lori as well, and allow the 3-year-old to just tiredly cuddle into her side. Kara and Lena both look at this sight with smiles on their faces.

"It might be a bit early to have our dinner right now." Lena says, as she glances at Kara, "What would you like to do now?"

"I don't know." Kara says, with a shrug, "How about we just sit down and chat for a bit?"

"Sure, alright, that is fine with me." Lena says, with a smile.

Lena and Kara then join Lori and Eliza in the living room, with Lena and Kara taking a seat on a second couch, sitting a bit close to one another, while Lori continues to snuggle into Eliza's side. The group all then have a nice conversation together, with Lori listening on, and slowly waking up and becoming more alert as to the world around her.

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