Chapter 62

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It is now just after 5PM, and Lena knows that Kara is probably going to be here any moment now to see them since she has finished work. Lena is aware that for most people to get from CatCo to her penthouse, it would take them around 15 – 20 minutes, but seeing as Kara is Supergirl, Lena is pretty sure her girlfriend will be here in a much less amount of time. With that thought in mind, Lena can't help but grow a smile on her face, thinking about how she is referring to Kara as her girlfriend in her mind, which is quite the thrill. Lena is so happy that she was able to get past Kara being Supergirl, and everything that was in her own head about it, mostly due to her own childhood trauma, and manipulations by various people in her past, including Lillian for a large part of it, up until she fell pregnant with Lori.

Today specifically, seeing as Lena and Lori have still been recovering from being sick, and both just still feel a bit down, the two have taken things completely easy, and just snuggled on the couch for most of the day. However, this snuggling hasn't gone completely uninterrupted, as Lori has constantly been asking Lena about when her momma will be getting here. When Lori keeps saying that, Lena thinks about having a conversation with Lori about the matter, but keeps putting it off, for various reasons, most of which are bullshit. One of the times that Lena put the conversation off though, was when she got a phone call from Lillian. On the phone call she had to inform Lillian about her and Lori recovering from being ill, and then withstand a few stern words from Lillian about how she was upset that she didn't phone her and tell her what was going on so she could come and help them. Lena though told Lillian that Kara took very good care of them, and after hearing that, it sounded like Lillian was very impressed with Kara, which was a relief to hear. Even though Lillian has previously told Lena that she approves of Kara, simply because she is Eliza's adopted daughter, she still worries that maybe Lillian will go to some extreme and give Kara a really harsh shovel talk or something, which Lena really doesn't need Lillian to do for her.

Back to right now, Lena knows that this present moment is probably her last moment to actually talk to Lori about something that she really should have spoken to her about before now, and not just the last second before Kara arrives. Either way, there is nothing Lena can do about it now, other than actually have the conversation with Lori presently, rather than putting it off all the more.

"Lori?" Lena soon asks her daughter, with them still being snuggled on the couch together.

"Yes, mommy?" Lori replies, tilting her head to look up at Lena.

"Kara is going to be here in a minute, I think." Lena says, "But before she gets here, I just wanted to have a little talk with you about something."

"What about?" Lori asks, with both Lena and Lori more so moving into a sitting position now.

"Well, both Kara and I have noticed that you have started to call Kara momma. So, I just wanted to have a little chat with you about it." Lena explains.

"Oh..... okay...." Lori says, growing a bit nervous.

"This is nothing to be nervous about, Lori. I want to be clear, Kara is more than happy for you to call her that, and I'm okay with it too. But, I just wanted to know why you chose to call Kara that." Lena asks.

"I uhmmm...... I don't know....... I....... I didn't think about it at first..... but...... after...... I liked it...... I want Kara to be my momma, and you my mommy. I want to have two mommies, and I love Kara, and she loves me, and loves you too. I thought........ I don't know...." Lori says.

"Okay, darling. It's okay." Lena says, as she takes Lori in for a hug, "It's okay if you want to call Kara momma, and consider her your other mommy too. I don't mind. But, I do want to be clear, and you may not like hearing this, but just because I'm okay with you accepting Kara as your other mom, that doesn't mean things are going to suddenly change around here where Kara will be living with us, or you will live with Kara sometimes, and me sometimes. None of that is going to happen. You legally are my daughter, and while I am thrilled at you and Kara's beautiful relationship, I am not comfortable, yet, with Kara being named legally responsible for you, like I am. Nor do I want to put any pressure on Kara and I's relationship by pushing for things like her to move in with us or anything. Frankly, I'm uncomfortable with that. I like Kara, very much, and I love spending time with her, and I think she is very special, and I hope we have a long future together, all three of us, but in the grand scheme of things, Kara and I haven't been dating for very long. We still need to spend a lot more time getting to know one another, and then, one day, in the future, that opens up for the possibilities of things like Kara moving in with us, or the two of us moving somewhere else to live with Kara. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

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