Chapter 45

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Kara takes a breath, as she is about to reveal something that could shatter everything, everything Kara has gained recently, and what she holds so dear. Kara is finally going to reveal her secret to Lena. Kara is terrified at what the consequences of this could be. Lena could break up with her for a start. Lena could be angry with her, upset, feel betrayed. But Kara knows the worst possible thing Lena could do, as a result of this, is remove Lori from her life. That would destroy Kara, worse than anything any villain could do. Kara absolutely loves Lori, it's indescribable. Kara would die for Lori, without a second thought, so the idea that she could never see her again is terrifying. It has already been 3 days since they all returned from Midvale, and Kara hasn't had a chance to see either Lori or Lena since then. Lena has texted Kara a few times and told her that she has been completely consumed with work, and also trying to find out more about how Lex was able to pull of his heist from her National City storage facility. Kara has tried to suggest that she could just take Lori for the afternoon or something, while she could work from home, but Lena has informed her that Lori has been spending the past few days with Lillian, which she is happy about, as it's allowing Lillian and Lori to bond. Honestly, these past few days have really not been great for Kara, she misses Lori, and Lena, terribly. So the prospect that she could never see Lori again is just unimaginable. Lori doesn't know what she would do with herself. That is why this moment is so important. Eventually though, Kara releases her breath, readies herself to let it all out.

"Lena, I'm Supergirl." Kara says, simply, and takes her glasses off, allowing Lena to clearly see that she is the girl of steal.

There is a moment silence in the room after Kara says this, and Kara is just waiting for what the response might be.

"Oh my god!" A voice says, with a gasp, "All this time? You have been Supergirl? And you have hidden it behind a pair of glasses. I'm a billionaire genius tech wizz, with multiple degrees, and one of the smartest people on Earth, and somehow I, Lena Luthor, was fooled by some glasses! This is a revelation! I'm going to have to reassess how I look at my entire life now! What if my driver is secretly moonlight as some mastermind villain, and I just don't know about it because when he does, he wears a pair of glasses! This is world shattering!"

Kara now grows a big frown and a pout on her face.

"ALEX! That's not funny!" Kara says.

Alex now breaks out into laughter.

"Seriously, Alex, stop it!" Kara says, grabbing a pillow from her bed and throwing it at her sister.

Alex successfully pats the pillow out of the way.

"I'm sorry Kara, but it is funny. I think it's funny just how much you are overthinking all of this. I mean, you are literally rehearsing revealing your secret to Lena with me! You have to see how ridiculous this all this!" Alex says, with a wide smile.

Kara now grows a bit of a pout on her face for a few moments.

"I know this all is a little silly, Alex, of course I do. But this is important to me!" Kara says, "Telling Lena, it's stressing me out! I don't want to mess it up! I don't know what Lena's reaction is going to be to this. I can't control her reaction. What I can control is how I tell her that I'm Supergirl, and prepare myself to respond to any reaction that she might have. I...... I don't want to lose Lena.... and Lori...... I care about them..... so much...... and I know you love Lori too...... You wouldn't want to never see that little girl again, would you?"

After Kara says that, Alex grows a bit of a look of realisation on her face, before it settles down into a more serious look.

"You're right. I don't want that to happen, not only because I care for that little bundle of joy, but also because I see how much you care for Lena and Lori, and if this helps, even a little bit, then I'm willing to do that." Alex says.

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