I Am You

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"I fucking hate Mr. Axter," I say as I shove the details of his latest assignment into my bag, my lip curling in disgust. "I Am Greece was bad enough, but now this??"

"'I Am You'," Jeff reads from the paper. "'Pick a religious figure from history to replace and act as if you are their imposter/replacement. The skit must be at least five minutes long, and the concept must be approved by me. This is an individual assignment.'"

"Theory: Mr. Axton was a failed actor," I say as I sit down on my bed, smoothing out my rumpled sheets.

"Failed director, more like," Jeff says, flipping the instructions over. "He forces us to write scripts and perform them, and then he yells at us about it."

"Fair," I say, sighing. "I Am Greece was hell, though. And you weren't in my group."

"I'm almost never in your group."

"But Susan was in my group!"

"I'm still sorry about that one," Jeff says, wincing. "She definitely took down your grade."

"The grades were individual."

"She forgot all her lines and kicked Mia when she reminded her what her lines were," Jeff says. "And she started singing during it. Which was unplanned, obviously. And bad. So it's probably safe to assume she took down your grade."

"That would explain why I got a 90," I say, looking down. Jeff shoves my shoulder and sits down next to me.

"Cheer up," he says. "At least now you won't have to deal with a bunch of idiots who fuck up the script and make you fail. Twice."

I laugh. "Yeah, I guess. But who should I be?"

"I'm sure you'll figure it out." He kisses my cheek gently. "He'll probably give you someone to be."

"Yeah, I suppose." I fall backwards, and he catches me. He takes my hand. "Jeff, I..."

"Shh." He kisses me gently. "Actions speak louder than words, they say."

I grin, and we kiss until the lights go out. And then we kiss some more.


Holy shit my perception of time is fucked up I haven't updated this fic in 5 days and I thought I hadn't updated in two weeks

Anyways I need to go procrasti- I mean, write.

~ Ira 🖤

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