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God, I haven't been this bored since Jeff was gone for Winter Break. He hasn't been able to call me yet because his father was making him go to a bunch of family events. "He wants to get them all out of the way quickly," he had told me.

There's nothing to do.


Okay, that's a lie. I could read. Write. They let us watch TV because the only teachers who stayed were too tired of dealing with us to argue.

But I want Jeff. I want to talk to him. See him. Kiss him. I've written him letter after letter, all thrown away.

Jeff, I miss you. Jeff, are you okay? Jeff, I love–

Ring-ring! Ring-ring!

The phone! I pick it up in a flash. "Hello??"

"Hi, Tony."

"Jeff!" I exclaim, and suddenly I'm tearing up a little bit. God, control yourself. It's only been two weeks.

"Hi, Tony," he says, laughing lightly. "How are you?"

"Bored," I complain. "I missed you. The only things you can do here are reading and watching TV. Or talking to a bunch of kids whose parents didn't want them home."

"Your parents didn't want you home?" Jeff asks. I can hear his surprised look.

"My parents are dead."

For a minute, we both sit in silence, listening to the hum of the phone line.

"I'm sorry," he says finally. "I didn't know."

"It's fine," I say.


"Shh." I really don't want to talk about it. "How were the two hundred family events you had to go to?"

"Torturous," he says. "I have to go to my mom's side of the family, deal with the annoying aunts and bratty cousins, then visit my 'if you don't X you're not a man' uncles with my dad."

"Glad I don't have any relatives to deal with."

That's a lie. If I had relatives, I wouldn't be stuck in school over the summer with nothing to do. I can hear somebody yelling over Jeff's side of the phone. His dad, maybe?

"Sorry, I have to go." His voice is deliberately calm, but I can hear the fear buried deep inside. "Bye."

"Bye." I put the phone down and sigh. I hope he's okay.


Yay double updates!!!!

I might even be able to make it triple but we'll see.

~ Ira 🖤

Let's Play a Game of Telephone (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now