chapter 3 (pt 2)

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Toyas body was hung from the ceiling. It looked as if it was a suicide, but he seemed to have blood marks on him, and wounds.

Kohanes body was lying on the floor, with a stab wound, and what seemed to be rope marks on her neck.

An was standing there, frozen. Her whole band was now dead except for her.

Ena: "Two bodies...?"

Tsukasa: "Who would do this?"

Monokuma then appeared

Monokuma: "Thank god! Two murders in one trial, how refreshing...!"

An still stared blank at the bodies. Tears rolling down her face.

Monokuma: "Well! Its time for you people to start investigating! As usual, theres a monokuma file 3.0 with all the basic information on it! Have fun~" He then disappeared.

Ena: "I guess we should start with the monokuma file."

The victim is Toya Aoygai. The time of death is estimated around 3pm. The body was found in the library. The victim was hung, and has a stab wound.

The victim is Kohane Azusawa. The time of death is estimated around 3:30pm. The body was found in the library. The victim has rope marks around the neck, and 2 stab wounds.

[MONOKUMA FILE 3.0 added to truth bullets]

Emu: "Thats terrible.."

Ena: "Kohane has rope marks on her neck, but isnt hung. Maybe strangulation...?"

Emu: "The time of death is different for them...What if Kohane walked in on it by accident?"

Ena: "That could be a explanation, but lets keep investigating.."

[TIME OF DEATH added to truth bullets]

Ena: "Now, lets look at the bodies.."

Ena looks at Toyas body first. There clear rope burn on his neck, a wound on his leg, and a wound on his arm.

Ena: "These wounds dont look fatal. Could it have been the rope that killed him?"

[TOYAS INJURIES added to truth bullet]

She then went to examine Kohanes body. Kohane had similar issues like Toya, tho it seemed her had a wound on her chest, and rope burn on her neck.

[KOHANES INJURIES added to truth bullets]

Emu: "Poor Kohane.."

Ena: "The wound on her chest very well could have killed her, maybe they wanted to strangle her in case. But i dont know yet.."

Ena and Emu then explored around the room.

Ena found a arrow. It was sharp, but it had no blood on it.

Ena: "Could this be the weapon..?"

[SINGLE ARROW added to truth bullets]

(i should ask for alibis..)

Ena went up to An to ask for her Alibi.

An: "Ah...I remmeber seeing Shizuku and Airi walk in the room we were all in.. They were together...I could have sworn Kohane and Toya were there but...i guess i was too focused on the video playing..."

Ena: "Its okay.. We'll catch who did this."

[AN'S ACCOUNT added to truth bullets]

(I guess i should go ask Shizuku)

Ena goes to ask Shizuku for her Alibi.

Shizuku: "I was coming back from the 2nd floor exploring, on the way back i bumped into Airi, then we went to the dining hall together."

[SHIZUKUS ACCOUNT added to truth bullets]

Ena: "Right." Ena then went to Airi to confirm this story.

Airi: "Well, i was on the way to the dining hall where everyone else was, when i bumped into Shizuku, then we walked back together."

[AIRIS ACCOUNT added to truth bullets]

Ena: (There stories seem to match up. No one else was missing, theres not much to go off of for this case..)

Ena then went back to investigating the area.

Emu: "Ena.. look. It looks like theres scratch marks on the floor"

Ena: "Scratch marks? Is  it a sign of struggle..?"

[SIGN OF STRUGGLE added to truth bullets]

Ena looked around, and found a bow, hidden behind a shelf.

Ena: "Ah! this mustve been what was used for the arrows.."

Emu: "Where did it come from?"

"It came from the Dojo."

A voice was heard behind them

Rui: "The dojo has multiple arrows, and two bows."

Ena: "Ah! How did we not notice that..."

Emu: "But why didnt they just put it back? Now we know the weapon."

Rui: "My guess is they were in a rush. I think one of the two here was not meant to be murdered, they just walked in at a bad time."

Ena: (Thats what i thought too..)

[BOW added to truth bullets]

Rui: "Have you noticed the dent in the wall?"

Ena: "Dent?"

Rui: "Its near where Toya was hung. My guess is a arrow that missed the target."

Emu: "But wouldnt Toya have run away if a arrow slightly missed him."

Ena: "He may have been in too much shock to process, or too scared to leave the room."

[DENT IN THE WALL added to truth bullets]

Ena: "We should try to focus on Kohane now."

Kohanes body was bloody, and lifeless. It was a horrible scene. Ena checked the wounds, it seemed to be the same as Toyas wounds. Kohane had the same rope burn, but was not hung.

Ena looked around her body to find any clues. There was another arrow nearby, this time a bloody arrow.

Ena: "This seems to be the one used on Kohane."

Emu: "The other arrow was clean last time right..?"

Rui: "Maybe the other arrow was the one that missed."

Ena: "That seems right."

[BLOODY ARROW added to truth bullets]

*ding dong bing bong*

Monokuma: "Its time for the class trial! Report to the red door for the trial to begin!"

Ena: "I guess lets go.."

And so Ena and Emu met with the others to the red door. Down to the class trial room.

The elevator went down for ages. Ena held Emus hand. "I know we can do this, we've already done it twice now." Ena said.

Emu stared at ena, a light flush covering her cheeks as ena held her hand tightly. She smiled at Ena, It was nice seeing her like this, after what happened earlier. The elevator stopped.

And now its happening again.

The 3rd class trial.


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