Chapter 11- Goodbey to times of peace

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I am walking towards a river, I know that across it, there is a hill with a small narrow path, I need to get to the top of it. I can hear the clash of swords, I can also hear screams, the more I try to cross this river, the stronger the current gets, I feel an arm around my waist, that pulls me towards the bank of this river, I look for who helped me, I see a tall figure, but his face is completely disfigured, he is saying something, I can't understand, he is talking too low, he gestures and points to the hill. too low, he gestures and points to the hill.
I try to climb up, but its path is too narrow, I feel a slight pain in my stomach, which soon starts to intensify, I propel myself on one of the rocks, I try to grab something firm, I feel a hand on my wrist, when I look at it, it has no nails, it is bleeding, it is surrounded by scars, so it pulls me, it is the same figure from the river.
He points to the field that stretches behind the hill, I walk to the tip of it and can see. War, it's a war.
There are many dead, pools of blood, parts of the field are burnt, big circles of fire, the battle is bloody, men tear others' chests out, others smash their heads with huge stones, everything is a real mess, but this is not the worst of the battles, not really, the worst is happening in the sky. Dragon against dragon. I can't recognize them, it's hard to see, there's a lot of smoke, my eyes are burning, the pain in my stomach starts to become unbearable, when I look to check, blood, there's a lot of blood on my clothes, blood runs down my legs, but something draws my attention to the sky, two dragons are facing each other, one of them is big, strong, but seems to be slow, the other is thinner and slimmer, only very fast.
The figure that helped me is standing next to me, seems to observe, keeps saying things that I cannot understand, until he takes three steps back and points to the sky.
The bigger dragon closes its jaw on the slender one, it doesn't give him any chance to fight back, it rips his neck open and pulls him in, separating his head from his body. The little dragon falls, but I can't see what happens, my vision goes dark, I feel a shiver, a hand holds my face and now I can hear what he is saying.
- This is the beginning of the end, the war is closer than you think, much blood will be spilled. The demand is clear, blood for blood, many lives will be taken. - My vision returns all at once, I am stunned, when I turn to look further into the battle, he is staring at me, he is right in my face. Just as I think to react, I hear the order and the world turns to fire.


I feel hands on my shoulders, shaking me, squeezing me. I struggle against those hands, screaming...
I still feel that overpowering pain in my belly, I feel the fire, my skin feels like it's burning.
That voice, it sounds so familiar. I knew that voice. Every inch of my body calmed down when I recognized it.
— Wake up, little one. You need to wake up, open your eyes. - I open my eyes.
I try to catch my breath, my throat is dry, my face is soaked and sticky, Aemond stares at me, he is above me, one of his hands is on my face, he makes little movements, he makes circles with his thumb, it is a tender touch, more to to remind me that I am there, I am fine.
— It was just a bad dream. - He says, and I see that he is trying to calm his breathing, which is as heavy as mine. — A nightmare. - he repeats.
I look around, Colin is also in the room, his eyes are wide open, he probably also heard the screams and came running.

— Are you okay?" he asks and I confirm. Ser Braith is looking at me from the door, he looks relieved, he probably thought they were attacking me, but it was just a bad dream... just another bad dream.
Colin says that I should try to sleep again, it's still a long way to dawn, but if I need him, just call him, and he will come, and then return to his room.

Aemond continues to stare at me, his gaze tells me that he is still worried, he seems to be looking for any sign that something is wrong with me.
— Do you want to tell me what you dreamed? - I shake my head, denying it. - All right, tomorrow we'll talk, try to sleep again. - He gets up and walks towards Ser Braith and says Braith and says:
— If she needs it, call me immediately. - But before he can leave, I call your name.
— Aemond, please, stay. - I look at him in distress, I don't want to be alone, even though I am awake, my body still seems to react to the dream. He looks at Ser Braith who curtsies and leaves, closing the door to my room.

Aemond lies down next to me, I fit my body to his, my head on his chest, he hugs me, pulling me closer.
— Sleep, I will stay here. - I keep making small circles on his belly, while he fiddles with my hair, until I fall asleep.


When I woke up, Aemond was no longer there, Ser Braith said that he and Colin had left early for town. And that my uncle and the lord agreed that it was better to leave me rest. Good, then I would have time to look calmly at Colin's table. I tell my shield that he can rest, since I don't intend to leave the room today.He understands the message and then leaves. I immediately go to Colin's room.

Strategic positions, amount of knights, amount of dragons with mounts, names of smaller houses, where most of the Velaryon Fleet is located and many other information, several letters sent to Colin, but there are no seals, no coat of arms, no information, several letters sent to Colin, but there are no seals, no coat of arms, so my focus now goes to the letters exchanged with House Greyjoy, in them are some complaints about the way the king has closed his eyes to what is happening in Stepstones.
It seems that Tyrosh has been moving his fleets there, it seems that Dorne is supporting the free cities, their goal is clear, to get the Targaryen out of power. There are many papers with names on them, I recognize some, but one name in particular catches my attention, Jaime Martell, the prince of Dorne, a letter from him to Colin.

I can't quite understand the beginning, it's all very confusing, the words don't seem to fit together, they don't form sentences that make sense, but when he gets to the end of the letter, there is something he has not made a point of hiding:
"Once one of them said they would bring fire and blood to our lands, and so they did. Now we will bring destruction, but not to the lands of Westeros, but to House Targaryen. The Targaryen Dynasty will end, there won't be one left with dragon blood, I think the time for peace is running out, many houses have already allied themselves with us, as well as the free cities, since your King doesn't act, we'll do it for him."

We need to return to King's Landing immediately, I have to show this to everyone. I was so perplexed and involved with the letter, I didn't even notice, until he decided to speak.
— You shouldn't be here, princess. - Shit, I thought Jim was with Colin and Aemond. — You shouldn't mess with what isn't yours.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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