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      "I rather lose you than an argument"

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 Don't you love when party's get crash?

And now I had to walk home.

Love that.

My feet were killing me and I wanted to go to bed so badly. 

After a bit, I could finally see my house. 

As I was coming up to the front door,


The living room lights were on. 

Why is my mom up at this hour? Does she know I'm gone? How am I gonna get in now?

I looked up at the roof.

It would be easy.


I put on heels back on my feet and signed.

I went up to a tree and started climbing it. 

It was kind of hard because it was dark.

Shit, hopefully my window open.

I got up on the roof and crawled to my window. 


All the windows that were by the roof were all locked.



Was that my moms voice?

"Macy, I see you"

That was her.

I took my heels off and hooped down.

She looked so mad and was crossing her arms when I jumped off the roof.

"What the hell Macy?!" Her said after looking at me.

I looked at my feet and said, "I wanna go to bed, so we can talk in the morning."

I then started walking past her when her grabbed my arm.

"Hell no, your not just gonna walk out on me like that!" 

"Let me go, gosh". I said

"Macy, I can't with you anymore." She then said.

"Ok!? Then let me just go to bed!" I said pushing her away. 

My mom signed and said, "Fine, you will probably listen better in the morning any way."

I looked at her and then opened the door and left her out there.

I went right to the bathroom and splashed my face.

I was so not ready for the morning.

I then went to my room and clothes off and put a big t-shirt on and pj shorts.

And I was out.


My head hurt and I still wanted to sleep.

But it was already 11:23am, on a Saturday.

I bet my mom was waiting on the couch for me. 

I went to grab my phone but I could not find it.

Oh man,

my mom took it.

I slowly got out of bed and then put a hoodie on. 

I open my door and went down stairs.

And I was right,

She was sitting on the couch drinking coffee with my phone on the coffee table and some papers by it. 

"If you went go get a something to drink and then come sit." My mom said.

I went to the kitchen and got a energy drink from the fridge and than sat across from my mom.

She put her coffee down and looked up at me.

"How was the party?" She started."


"Stop, I'm done with you. I just am done with your behavior, it's just unacceptable." She said.

I looked down.

"Macy, I want you to have fun and live your life as a teenager, but you leaving to go to party's 24/7 and doing other wild things is not good for you." She said.

"Mom, the party's are not bad". I then said.

She laughed. 

"Drinking? Smoking? Drugs? Hooking up? That is all good to you?" She said back.

My face got a little red.

"No.." I said looking at the ground.

"Macy, this is so unhealthy. I'm so sorry but I'm sending you away." 

My face shot up from the ground.

"Wait- Mom what?!" I said sad and mad at the same time. 

"Your going to a boarding school for unbehaved teens. Macy honey, I do not want to do this but you need to". She said sadly.

"Mom, please no! You can't do this!" I said starting to yell. 

"You leave in 3 days". She said and I could see the tears in her eyes as she gave me some papers and my phone back.


Macy what have you done. 


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