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"She could, so she did"

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"Get up!" Luna said as she smacked me in the face with a pillow.

"5 more minutes!"

"Fine whatever, be late! She said as she then left my room.


This is so annoying! All I want is some sleep.

I slowly got up and went into the bathroom.

Layla was showering and Luna was finishing her makeup.

"Layla, you better hurry up that shower!" Luna said to her.

"I know!" She said back.

I then washed my face and brushed my teeth. After, I went back to my room and picked a outfit. I put on a tight back crop top, a denim mini skirt, and tall black boots. I then went back into the bathroom, which Layla was now doing her makeup. I did my makeup and some loose curls. 

I went out to the living room and Layla was right behind me. Me and her sat on the couch and she put on the show 'Friends'. 

Luna had on low rise boot-cut jeans, a white tube top, and a very cropped cream cardigan. 

Layla had on a tight white crop top, pink flared leggings, and some Apple airpods max's on her head.

It was 6:58 and classes started at 7:35.

"Do you guys wanna make breakfast or go get some in the cafeteria?" Luna said from the kitchen. 

"Cafeteria!" Layla said.

"Is cafeteria food good here?" I asked.

"Yes! They had homemade food and its soooo good!" Layla said to me.

"Yeah, it's really good." Luna said.

"Ok then, sounds good to me". I said.

I then grabbed my backpack and so did Luna and Layla. Luna's was white with some gold to it and Layla's was light pink with some white to it. Mine was also white with black to it.

We walked out and Luna and Layla stopped and started talking quietly. 

I then stopped to and looked at them and they both then looked up at me.

Luna then looked at Layla and Layla nodded.

"So Macy, we were wondering if you wanted to join your group". Luna said as Layla then started talking to some other girl and she smiled at me.

"Yeah, sure". I said.

"Great!" She said and then grabbed the girl Layla was talking to and put her infront of my face.

"This is Iris, she is part of my group". Luna said.

Her  group?

We were like her minions?

Because no way in hell would I be a little pet for someone.

"Hi, nice to meet you! Layla took me about you on the phone last night". Iris said smiling.

"Nice to meet you too, I'm Macy if you did not already know." I said back.

"Ok, I'm hungry!" Layla then said pushing use.

The four of us then made your way down to the second floor and got some food. Luna and Layla were right! There food was so good! It was still hot and smelled so good. I got some fruit and a cinnamon roll. 

After we all got our food we sat down at a round table that had five seats. 

"Jack is coming over tonight, right?" Layla said with food in her mouth.

"Yeah, at 7:30 I think." Luna said looking at her phone. 

"They are so gross". Iris whispered to me.

I just laughed and then I saw some girl was death staring me.

What the heck was her problem? 

Luna then saw and said, "Ugh, don't mind her." Then went back to her phone.

"Hey I have to go to the bathroom and I pick Macy to come with me!" Layla said as she grabbed my arm as I was putting a strawberry in my mouth. 

When we got in there she then when on the wall.

"So, that girl that was staring at you is Cora Hope. We hate her. I mean we hate she because Luna hates her. She and Luna use to be best friends but then Cora was just doing some things that were not good things. Things that best friends would not do. But when Luna cut her from the group she just got super mad and she is probably mad that she added someone new. Which is you." Layla expanded. 

"Damn". I just said.

"Yeah so just ignore her." Layla said and then we left. 

It was 7:30 so the first bell ringed and we all packed up.

My classes were Art, Math, English, Gym, Science, and lastly Social Studies. 

I had Art and English with Layla, Math with Luna, Science and Math with Iris, and we all had Gym together. 

So me and Layla walked to art together and it was a easy day. The teacher just talked about what we are gonna do this year. Which, all my classes were easy today. I just had homework in Art, which was to tell about what you like most in art. I was walking to my next classes went I got pushed but I did not fall.

I turned around and saw it was the girl who was staring at me, Cora.

"What the hell?!" I said to her.

"Oops, sorry". She said laughing a little.

I flipped her off and started walking a away.

"Hey wait!" She said coming up to my side.

"What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say Luna is not a good person and you should ditch them before you give your self into trouble." Cora said.

I then stopped an looked a her.

"I do not need your advice". I then walked away and Cora yelled.

"Good luck, you will need it." 


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