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"This is who I am. Nobody said you had to like it"

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"Wake up Macy!" That lady said as she punched my arm.

That punch made my head hit the window.

"Ow!" I said looking at her and then look out the window.

We were here.

And wow,

the school was actually beautiful.

It was like a giant cream colored mansion with lots of windows.

As we got closer I could feel the sweat on my hands and my legs were shaking.

Why was I nervous?

I took a deep breath and said to myself, "You'll be just fine, Macy".

The car pulled up to the big glass front doors. 

The lady got out of the car and went to the back for my bags. 

I slowly opened the door and got out too.

Wow, this place was huge.

"Come take your bags". The lady said.

I got all my bags from her and she started walking up the stairs to the big glass door.

I founded her as the car started driving away.

Well, here we go Macy. 

The inside was as beautiful as the outside.

I loved the aesthetic of this place.


Why are you liking this Macy?!

Get yourself together!

The lady then stop and said, "I'm Mrs. Lane by the way and also this school is not as bad as you think it is". She then smiled and continued walking.

After a little bit longer of walking halls and two flights of stairs. Which means this place had three floors and we just got up on the third floor.

As we were making our way to the top floor she was giving me a tour of the whole place. The first floor had offices and classrooms. The second floor was had SO many windows, all the walls were filled with big clear windows. Anyways, the second floor had a big library with lots of cute cozy spots to study and it had the cafeteria. And lastly, the third floor had all the dorms. 

"Here we are, this is gonna be your dorm room". Mrs. Lane said as we spotted at a door that said, 56.

She opened the door and wow!

The dorm was so cozy and beautiful!

"You have two roommates, and now have a good day, first day starts tomorrow. All the details are on some papers that I put on your bed". Mrs. Lane said as she left.

The rooms color theme was just like the school, white, cream, light brown, light baby pink, and accent color was dark blue. 

When you first come in there is a short hallway with two doors and each side.

The two doors on the left side was bedrooms and the doors on the right side were my bedroom and a big bathroom for all of us. 

Down the hallway was the living room and to the left of it was the kitchen. 

I opened the door to my room and then put my bags on the ground.

I then throw myself on my bed.

I was tired and wanted to go to bed but it was only 2:12pm. 

I starting scrolling through my phone but got bored quickly. 


I don't know what to do.

Where are my roommates? I was thinking. 

I got up from my bed and looked around the place some more.

Not gonna lie, I loved the aesthetics of this school soooo much!

I went back to my room and started unpacking so my room did not look so boring. 

In the my bedroom was a twin size bed with a white backboard in the top left corner. In the top right corner was a white desk with a laptop on it. And by the bed was a white night stand and a very light pink fluffy circle carpet. Lastly, there was a white dresser and a white clothing rack on the left wall. 

I put posters by my desk and some by my bed. Then I put up some L.E.D lights up too. 

I was putting my clothes away when I heard the room door open and two girls started talking.

"What are we doing we doing for dinner?" One girl ask.

"I don't care just make something". The other one said.

"Me?! Why me?" The first one said.

I then could not hear them very well because they went to the kitchen. 

Then after a minute my bedroom door came open and the first girl came running up to me.

"Heyyyyy!" She said. 

"Hey" I just said back.


The other girl named Luna came in and the first thing did was look at me up and down.

Damn ok.

"I'm Layla and this is Luna" Layla said smiling.

Both of them was very pretty.

"I'm Macy". I said back.

"Come help us pick dinner!" Layla then said taking my hand.

Well Layla was very nice but so far Luna was kind of quiet.

Luna went and sat on the couch and me and Layla went to the kitchen. 

"So, I'm gonna tell you some roommate things!" She said. 

"Ok, sounds good". I said back to Layla.

"First, if you see a boy with blonde hair in here, that is Luna's boyfriend Jack. Boys are not allow here that this school so you can NOT tell anyone" She said.

"Thank you telling her" Luna said looking mad.

"Well I had too! She is gonna see him if she lives here". Layla said back to Luna.

"Whatever, I guess your right" Luna back and went back to looking at her phone.

"They make out in here sometimes". Layla whispered.

"Ew". I laughed.

Layla then talked about the school, roommate stuff, classes, and the girls here.

We had dinner and Luna started talking to me.

Layla said that Luna can be a toxic person to the people she hates but she is a fun person when you get to know she but also can be bossy. Luna just had to get use to me and we would be good friends. According to Layla. 

So far this school is not so bad. 


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