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"I have decided to stop being sad and start being hot again"

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My life felt like it was falling apart. 

I hate myself for getting myself into this. 

I look at myself in the mirror,

the same way I did when Jackson broke my heart.


It was the day that I have been dreading.

It was the day that I went to my new school.


I was leaving in a hour.

I looked around my room making sure I had every thing I needed packed. 

I did. 

I grabbed my bags so I could go put them downstairs.

What if I ran away?

Yeah, that would be a good idea.

Wait- I have no where to go.

I wanted to start crying, I really want too. 

My mom was sitting on the couch on her phone but when I came downstairs she put it down.

"Honey?" She then said.

I looked at her.

"I'm sorry". She said as she looked like she was about to cry.

I hate she at the moment but I still going to miss her.

I don't know what to say to her and I thing she could tell.

So I just sat on the couch next to her. 

A little bit later we heard a knock on the door.

That must be the people taking me to the school.

My mom got up to go open the door and I went to go get my bags. 

"Hello!" I heard my mom say.

"Good afternoon". I heard some lady say back.

I gave my mom a long hug and than went outside with the lady and some guy. 

He looked like a bodyguard. 

When we got outside the guy took my bags from me and went to the car to put them away.

Should I run?

It's now or never.

I than stop and ran.

Ha, but that was not for long.

The guy ran after me and was fast so he grabbed my arm.

"Get off of me!" I said as I push him away and started walking back to the car. 

The driver opened the door for me and I got in.

I car was all black in the inside.

The guy sat next to the driver and the lady sat in the back with me.

As the car started moving I thought to myself.

I need to stop being sad and starting being hot again,

because if I'm going to this school than I'm gonna at least try having fun. 


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