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Chapter 12- Contagion

The sunrise had come slowly, Cora had stayed on watch all night like once more. She rubbed her eyes a bit as someone walked over taking the next shift. She looked around the camp, out of all the people she found she headed towards Monty.

"Morning sunshine," he chirped picking out a couple peanuts to snack on along with an apple. She mumbled a sort of mph in response, the boy paused looking at her. "You feeling okay?"

No. "I'm fine Jasp-I mean Monty," she replied tripping over her words a bit. Her eyes fluttered trying to stay open. Her body swayed back and forth, left and right.

"Hey, um lets go lie down," he said as he put his food down. She halted his actions holding up a hand.

"I can't I'm making a pack for Bellamy and Clarke for their hike or something. They're gonna go scout out what happened to the exodus ship with Raven and Finn and a couple others." She nodded to herself trying to walk over to the extra supplies.

Monty stopped her, "I'll make them, okay?"

"Thanks Monty," she gave a weak smile. "Oh wait make sure to put-"

"-Cora, I've made the packs before," he paused, "I've made yours before, with all the little picky needs. Go. Rest."

She patted his shoulder then walked off to some fire pit. Monty watched a moment before grabbing supplies to make a few packs.

Often a pack contained a fruit, little thing of nuts-not the ones that make you go crazy-one canteen of water every two bags, and now an extra clip of ammunition.

Monty finished the packs walking over to the group about to leave. "Hey Bellamy," he paused catching the taller dark haired boys attention. "Um do you know what's up with Cora?"

Bellamy's shoulders tensed. All night the only thing he could think about was their conversation-until he passed out. He turned looking down a bit. "No Monty, I don't know what's up with Cora. Why?"

"She looks like she hasn't slept in forever," he said listening as people rushed him.

Bellamy nodded clenching his jaw, "keep an eye on her for me? Make sure she doesn't leave camp or anything."

"So babysit her?"

"No, just don't let her leave. Okay?"

"Yes sir," he jokingly saluted Bellamy as he walked off. Bellamy rolled his eyes staying in the back of the group.


"Fatass," about five girls looked up in response to the name, Cora shrugged them off. "Octavia." The brunette finally turned around. "You need a hearing aid or something?"

"You need a better bed or something?" She asked in response looking at the circles forming under her eyes.

"No, well-that's not why I'm bugging you." She said quickly avoiding the topic.

"Spit it out," she said poking he fire with a stick. Cora had refreshed herself with water in the face but she was still a little slow.

"You're under camp arrest and I'm bored out of my mind," she paused sitting next to her. "I'm out of practice, and if you wanna be a little grounder warrior you might need some fighting tactics prior."

"So basically, you're bored so you want to kick my ass to help me find my inner grounder?" Octavia summed up in her own words.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"Alright, I ain't got nothin' else to do," she shrugged getting up Cora following pursuit. "So what'd you learn first?"

"How to block a punch, kick, anything physical."

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