Soft Touches and Rebound Sex

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Song for the chapter: Clarity// Zedd // "if our loves insanity why are you my clarity?"


Chapter 13- Soft Touches and Rebound Sex

The sun peeking through Cora's tent had woken the girl up she rubbed her eyes slowly getting up and redressed. Deciding to leave her long sleeve in the tent she was dressed in her tank and jeans. She stepped out of the tent walking over to the drop ship grabbing a basket like item grabbing all the bloody and dirty clothing which was infected by the short term disease.

After piling up mostly everything she carried the basket out of the drop ship. "Cora?" Another blonde snapped her attention. "What are you doing?"

The blonde had almost forgotten about the grounders. She looked at her friend. "I'm gonna go wash the dirty stuff."

"Alone?" Clarke raised that famous eyebrow of hers causing the girl to comply.

"I'll grab Bellamy, better?" She asked and received a nod in approval. She walked to the gate, not doing as she said she would, but she did grab a knife. That's about the same thing. She walked out of the gates the few on watch questioning her actions but not a single person dared to speak up-considering the bloody clothes.

She trekked down the small hill and walked for a couple more minutes before getting to a stream they had found while mapping the terrain. She sighed removing her boots and socks, rolling up her pant legs as well. The girl sat in silence cleaning up some of the rags and such letting them rest on dry rocks to dry as well. She looked around the area smiling for a moment. This is why they fell in love with earth because of the moments where it's a nice blissful peace. Nothing mattered, it was relaxing, and with everything going on she needed that.


"Bellamy? What are you doing here?" Clarke asked looking at the man whom was trying to get everyone back on track. Giving the weaker easier jobs and those almost back to full strength the more difficult.

"Well I could be outside on my own if you'd like," he himself was still a little loopy but it was also Bellamy Blake, the most resilient and stubborn man to walk among the 100.

"No I mean aren't you supposed to be with Cora?" She questioned some more. She gave a small smile at someone who gave her a quick wave.

"I'm not sure I'm following," he responded confused by the girl who had figured out the situation.

"Cora-" she interrupted herself with a groan, "Cora went to the creek to wash clothes and rags, alone."

Bellamy looked at her a small smirk to his words, "I'll go get her."

"Thanks," she smiled in relief, as he walked to the gate and began walking the same path she did. He could hardly tell where she had been walking according to her tracks. Finally getting to the creek he peeked around the corner seeing clothing dry on rocks he glanced at the water seeing a blonde simply trying to float in the water. He chuckles watching as she struggles to relax enough to where she could float.

Cora lied peacefully her eyes closed finally able to get her body to float on its own. The peace was quickly disturbed by a large way of water washing over her. She sprung up looking for the thing responsible, Bellamy. "Hi Scout," he spoke a smirk plastered across his face.

She couldn't contain the smile as she splashed him, "the hell are you doing here?" She asked slightly annoyed crossing her arms. The blonde examined the boy realizing he wasn't wearing a shirt, and the water was clear enough for her to glance down and not see any pants. Her cheeks flushed red when she had come to a realization that she wasn't wearing a shirt nor pants either. She too was in her undergarments, a gray supported sports bra and sleek black underwear, she locked her eyes back to his face. Those butterflies she hadn't heard from in what felt like forever were back. Although his hair wasn't the nice either, the wet messy hair look suited Bellamy in all the right ways.

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